Protected: Text for live guided reading groups Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th February

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Welcome back Red class!

Welcome back Red class!

I really hope you have all had a wonderful half term break and have enjoyed spending lots of quality time with your families. I have posted the work for this week on the homework page. We are starting new units of work for this half term so I hope you enjoy them. I am looking forward to seeing you all and catching up tomorrow at our class Teams meeting at 9.30am.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Protected: Home learning – w/c 22nd February – Maths

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Home learning – w/c 22nd February – English

This week we are starting a new unit of work based on a film called ‘Whale Rider’. It is a story based on Maori culture.

Monday 22nd February 

Today you will be looking at Maori culture and traditions in preparation for studying clips from the film ‘Whale Rider’.

I have attached a link to a video showing the All Blacks rugby team performing the Haka before a game with England as the teacher talks about the Haka in the video above.


Tuesday 23rd February

Today you will revising simple, compound and complex sentences.


Wednesday 24th February

Today you are looking at understanding the main characters from a film.


Thursday 25th February 

Today you are looking at vocabulary associated with eyes.


Friday 26th February 

Today you are going to be planning a narrative build up.



Protected: Home learning – w/c 22nd February – reading comprehension

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Mrs Colin-Stokes’s groups – w/b 22nd February

Hello everyone – I hope you’ve all had a great half term and have had fun. Here is the work for this week and, as ever, only do what you feel you can.

Phonics. There are the usual 5 activities which you can split over the week.

  1. Sounds this week are: nk nt nch. Try writing the sounds with your finger on someone’s back. Can they guess which you’ve written?
  2. Log onto Purple Mash, English, Phonics, Phase 4, Cloze and look for the ‘yellow’ box for nk and nt.
  3. Can you unscramble these words containing this weeks sounds? tnwe  nedt  cmnuh  hnakt  ubnrt
  4. Write out these key words remembering to join as much as you can: went dent burnt chunk sink thank crunch munch print.
  5. Can you draw and make up a name for an imaginary creature using this week’s sounds? For example, it could be called a chunkcruncher or a crunchermuncher.

Numeracy – the focus this week is halving numbers (which is the same as dividing by 2).

  1. Find 20 ‘objects’ that you can use to look at halving (dried pasta, buttons, marbles etc) and use them to find half of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. These are all even numbers because you can’t half an odd number equally and still have whole numbers.
  2. Now log onto  ‘Topmarks hit the button’ (which is a free site) and then onto ‘halves’. Start with the first game in the top left corner ‘halves to 10’ then ‘5 to 15’ and ‘halves from 10 to 20’.
  3. If you’re feeling confident try ‘halves to 50’. Remember that in larger numbers you halve the ones first then halve the tens then put them back together eg) 36 would be halve the 6 which is 3, halve the 30 which is 15 then put the number back together 3+15=18. This is quite tricky so just do what you feel you can. We’re going to go over this again once we’re all back together in school hopefully very soon.
  4. Have a good week – see you all soon! Mrs Colin-Stokes

Assembly by Garry 11.02.21

Garry’s assembly

As we come to the end of half-term, we should certainly give thanks for Garry who has taken so much time to support our school and produce wonderful and thought provoking assemblies. We all look forward to hearing the message so a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ Garry from all of us!