Monday worship- Connectedness

Good morning,

The last few weeks have been very difficult for lots of people. Just have a think about some of the things you liked about being at home and the remote learning. Then have a think about some of the things you missed most about being apart.

Now have a look and listen to this song – We are all Connected

Next collect your ideas on what things you like most about being back together (it is OK to say there are things you find hard about being back in school too).

Choose a coloured heart and write your name on it. Then write down a word or a sentence about some of the good things about being back together e.g. fun, friendship, caring for each other, learning together etc. Cut out your hearts and send them to Mrs Derrer

You can also have a listen to this song- ‘Lean on Me’ by Bill Withers. Have a listen to the words and say what you think the song is about.

Dear God,

We all face challenges.

They may be difficult and overwhelming.

We pray for calmness and peace as we approach these challenges.

We pray that we will comfort and support each other over the coming weeks.

Help us, today, to bring our friendship and love to others.


Because I can…

We are really excited about the ‘Because I can…’ initiative which is happening on Monday 15th March. It is a free initiative offering inspiration and hope. Please click on the link to find out a bit more.

All classes are having a session during the day on Monday and there is a parents session arranged for Monday 15th at 7pm. A zoom link will be sent out nearer the time but please do try and join if you can as it will be great to share the message with parents too.

Welcome back Red!

Dear Red Class,

We are so excited to be welcoming you all back to school tomorrow! In addition to Mrs Derrer’s message about our P.E days I just wanted to remind you to bring in your reading books and reading diaries as well.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I shall see you all in the morning!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Red Class PE

This term, P.E will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please come to school in your P.E kit and trainers on these days. Watches and earrings must be removed for P.E. If your child wears plain stud earrings, they may find it easier to not wear them on these days. Alternatively, they will need to be able to take them out themselves or bring medical tape to cover them with.

Happy World Book Day -Thursday 4th March

Good morning,

Here is a World Book Day song to start the day.

You can choose a story to listen to here. Have a look as there are several to choose from.

There are lots of ideas for things to do on the official site.

Here is a guide to ‘Ten Tips for sharing Stories’

You can send us a picture of you dressed up as a book character or one of you reading.

Enjoy World Book day everyone!


Well done Matilda!

Lots of you have done some great things through this lockdown. We have seen you being creative and imaginative and here we see someone being thoughtful and caring. Matilda did a litter pick around her local area and she was surprised by the amount of rubbish found. It is really great that she did something good for the environment and the creatures in it!


Tuesday 2nd March – Friendship

Good morning everyone,

I know that lots of you are looking forward to coming back to school because you have been missing your friends and can’t wait to see them again.

What difference does having a friend make to your life?

Do you know who this is?   It’s Burglar Bill from the book of the same name by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.  It is the delightful story of a thief who lives off other people’s fortunes, until two major events change his life forever. The first is when he steals a box only to find it contains a baby, and the second is when he, too, is burgled, by Burglar Betty. The improbable meeting of these two thieves, turns them both into honest folk who vow to keep on the straight and narrow.  Their lives are all changed for the better – because they became friends!

In one of The Bible stories, Jesus makes friends with a man called Zaccheus.  Now Zaccheus was a tax collector, but not an honest one.  Zaccheus stole from other people and took extra money when he gave them their tax bills and became very rich on all the money that he stole.

Before Zaccheus met Jesus, he didn’t really have any friends because he was greedy, dishonest and selfish. Would you want to be friends with someone greedy, dishonest and selfish? But Jesus befriended him, he gave Zaccheus a chance and showed that he cared for him. I wonder why?

Jesus loved everyone when he lived on the earth. It didn’t matter how bad people were, Jesus was always there for those who needed him. This is true for us too – no one is so bad that God doesn’t love them. And the more time we spend with God – praying, thinking about him, finding out about him, the more we want to be like Jesus; kind, helpful and good.

Through showing Zaccheus his love and friendship, Jesus helped to change Zaccheus to being kind and caring.

Have a moment to reflect – have you always shown kindness and friendship to others when they aren’t being kind and caring?  I wonder if your friendship could help change how other people behave?  Friendship and love are powerful and they are qualities that so many of you have been missing.

Have a listen to this song and thing about your friends.

Dear God
Thank you for our friends and for everything that they are.
Thank you for all their gifts and talents, the kindness they have shown us and the many things they have given to others.
Please continue to guide me, so that I may also be a good friend to others.


Home learning w/c 1st March

Dear Red Class,

This is our last week for home learning and we are really looking forward to welcoming you all back next week. I hope you have had a good week with your home learning and thank you for sending in the work you have been doing. I have posted the learning tasks for this week and hope you get on well with these. I have also posted some extra activities for World Book Day which is on Thursday and I am really looking forward to it as it is one of my favourite days in the school year! We have an extra Teams meeting on Thursday which is at 9am.

I shall look forward to seeing you all at 9.30am in the morning for our usual Monday Teams meeting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the beautiful sunshine!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Monday 1st March – St David’s Day

50 Best Saint David's Day Wish Pictures And Photos

Today is a special day for everyone called David as it is St David’s Day. It is also a special day for anyone who is Welsh because David is the patron (or special) saint for Wales.

Review: Depicting St. David is a glorious little handbook full of unexpected treasures - Nation.Cymru

A patron saint is someone who has spent their whole life doing something to help others. They are someone who worked hard to make the world a better place.

Saint David’s Day is the feast (celebration day of Saint David). His feast day falls on the 1st of March each year. The day is celebrated by the people of Wales and people of Welsh background throughout the world.

David became a Christian priest  and he David founded many churches throughout southern Wales. The most famous story about Saint David tells how he was preaching to a huge crowd and the ground is said to have risen up, so that he was standing on a hill and everyone had a better chance of hearing him.

The national emblems of Wales are daffodils and leeks. St David’s Day is commemorated by the wearing of daffodils or leeks. Both plants are traditionally regarded as national emblems.


Find out more by watching this clip.

You could look at this PP too

St David’s Day

Dear God,
Thank you for St David, and for all the special people down through the ages
who have given us examples of how to live.
Help us today to remember all that we have learnt about how to live a good life.
Help us to be kind and caring, to be honest and sharing.
Help us to stop and think when our problems and difficulties seem too big to deal with.
Help us to use our common sense, like St David did, to find a way out.
And when our common sense fails us, help us to have faith.

Have a good day