Home learning week 2

Dear Red Class,

We have completed another week of home learning, well done everybody! We have had a busy week in school looking at our new unit of work on non chronological reports about the Portia spider and looking at multiplying in Maths as well as our first outing to forest school which the key worker children thoroughly enjoyed!

The tasks for English, Maths, Science and Topic for this week are now published onto the homework page. Please keep checking the homework page on the website periodically during the week in case there are any updates to posts or extra activities. Please do not feel that you have to send every piece of work completed but it would be nice to see one piece of work during the week that you are perhaps particularly proud of and then from these we can choose our superstar for the week.

Please do not worry if you do not complete all of the tasks particularly for things like Topic, R.E and French, the most important lessons to try and get through are English and Maths. We understand that people are incredibly busy at the moment trying to juggle home schooling with working from home and all you can do is your best. We also know that lots of you are doing lovely activities with your families such as going for a walk or looking at things in your garden and that is great! The outdoor activities can be part of your 4 hours of home-schooling that the government has suggested children should be doing. We think you are all doing a fantastic job, thank you and well done!

Hope you all have another good week and we look forward to seeing you at our second Teams meeting tomorrow!

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Oak Academy free virtual school library

I don’t know whether some of you will have seen the news this morning but Oak Academy have joined forces with the National Literacy Trust and have set up a virtual school library. They will be putting a new book online each week and will also post other activities related to reading on the website. I hope it will be of some use.



Monday 18th January – Martin Luther King Jn. Day in the United States of America

Good morning everyone.

During this pandemic, we know it is important that everyone works together and does their part so that we can look forward to life getting back to normal and you can all come back to school.

Today, you will be learning about a time in American history when people were not able be together merely due to the colour of their skin.

Look at the Power Point to find out about a man called Martin Luther King Jn and how he tried to change things for the better. In order to understand what was happening,  when you get to the slide with the picture of an eye you could say, if you told all the children with blue eyes that they could go out to play, would that be fair? Why not?


Martin Luther King Day



Here is a video clip which Red and Blue class might like to watch. The first video clip is the one to watch.


Children might like to think about their own hopes and dreams for the future. You can talk about them or draw them on this sheet.

Martin Luther King dream cloud activity sheet

Dear God

Thank you for our wonderful school community where everyone is special and valued.

Help us to treat each other as equals and with kindness and respect

Help us to look after each other especially our families while we are spending more time at home

May we all work together to be the best that we can





Collage Fish

This afternoon the children in Red class enjoyed making collage fish using different resources.

TT rock stars

Well done to all of the 15 children in red class who have been on TT rock stars this week! 3 children have collected a huge number of points and coins over the last seven days. Lots of you have also been on Numbots and have moved up several levels. Keep it up, we’re very proud of you!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes.




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Home learning

Dear Red Class,

Your first week of home learning is now complete and I would just like to say a huge well done and thank you to you and your parents for your efforts in accessing and completing the home learning tasks that we have set. Thank you for your emails and for sharing your lovely poems with us that you wrote on Friday. It was nice to hear how you had been getting on with the home learning and to hear about the other lovely things you have been doing with your families at home. I have now published the tasks for this coming week onto the Red Class homework page.

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for our first Teams meeting at 9.30am and hope that there won’t be any technical problems. Please bear with us for this first meeting if there are any problems but hopefully there won’t be!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Well done everyone!

Well done for getting through this first week everyone. Thank your emails to us and your feedback which is very useful.

We had a go at writing a poem today and found that it was very tricky! I am sharing some that we did but we really only did the first part. Thank you home learners for sending some in. As it is a poetry unit, the task will have been interpreted in different ways and that’s absolutely fine!

Here are some that have been sent to me or done in school.

Poems based on the The Listeners

Here is some super topic work by Emma

Volcano Project

We also went outside to create a picture inspired by the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Have a good weekend everyone!

From Mrs Derrer, Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Colin-Stokes and Mrs Simille.

Using Teams – Remote Learning

We are planning to use Teams as part of our Remote learning. We will begin this on Monday 11th. Whilst this will also be other resources which we will use to support the children with their learning, we hope it will help the children to feel to connected  with each other and the whole school community.
Please could you log in to Office 365 before Monday with your children. Teams meetings are smoother if you download the Teams app but this is not essential. Office 365 will work on many different devices. Many of you will be familiar with Office 365 from your own work or may have other children which use it for school; however,  please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems.
If children have not logged in or changed their passwords since we sent them out, then Office 365 is likely to ask the children to change their passwords.
You just need to enter the current password and then create a new password. Office can be a bit awkward about the password you create. It prefers a mix of numbers and letters and preferably not complete words.
Please make a note of it somewhere secure as password resets are not as quick as when we forget the ones for shopping sites!
Mrs Bernasconi

Home Learning

Good Afternoon Red Class,

After hearing the announcement last night about the closure of schools I am sure that lots of you will be disappointed that you won’t be in school for a while. I am disappointed not to be welcoming you back today as normal and will miss seeing you. I hope you are all keeping well and safe. I am currently working on lots of home learning tasks for you and will post these on to the website today in the homework section as usual, some of you may have already seen that I posted some Maths and English tasks for today.

Keeping checking the website for updates and I will look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow morning.

Please take care and keep safe

Mrs Harper-Jones