Anti-Bullying Week – 16th – 20th November

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying. Anti-Bullying Week will happen from Monday 16th – Friday 20th November and it will be the focus in school.

Odd Socks Day

We are going to ask the children to come to school in odd socks on Wednesday 18th November this year. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

Remembrance Service by Garry

Sadly, Garry has not been able to join us in person to deliver his Remembrance Service but we are pleased that he has provided us with his virtual worship.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


Our value for this half-term is Responsibility.

The Bible teaches that life is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to use our talents and abilities in the best way we can.


In school this may be shown as: making good decisions about our own behaviour, taking responsibility for our learning, being independent and caring for others. Responsibility also includes thinking about being a good citizen and caring for our environment.

We have started off by thinking about how we can take responsibility for what we say. A follower of Jesus, called James, wrote to some people who were members of the church. He said that the tongue was like a tiny spark that could spread. We reminded ourselves that it was good to use our words to help, encourage others, and to be kind.

You might like to watch this clip from Toy Story

I’m Going to Make this an Awesome Day

Dear God,
Thank you that we are all special to you.
Thank you that you made us all different.
Please help us to look for the good in those around us.
Please help us to look beyond our circle of friends
to see those who may be on their own, lonely and needing someone to talk to.



Happy Half-Term!

It has been a great half-term in Red Class. The children have worked hard and will now be ready for a lovely half-term break.

PE days – Mrs Davies is delivering PE after half-term. Children will need to come to school in PE Kit on a MONDAY and THURSDAY (this session is with Mr Jew from Idsall Secondary School).

Children in Need  – Friday 13th November (more details to follow)

Monday 16th – Friday 20th November – Anti-Bullying Week

Here are some of the things we will be doing next:

English – Using ‘The Present’ to write a short story and create a leaflet

Maths – We use the White Rose mixed age planning and will be covering: subtraction, multiplication and division.

Science: States of Matter

Geography: Map Skills

DT: Making stockings

IT: Scratch

Music: Charanga – Stop! (Rap linked to anti-bullying)

French: Age, Days of the Week and Christmas

RE: What is the Trinity?

PE: Hockey, Netball and Dance

If you have any free time, don’t forget you can go on Times Tables Rock Stars!

Have a lovely week and stay safe.

Mrs  Harper-jones and Mrs Derrer


Remote Learning

A letter has been sent home with children today about using Teams for remote learning in the event of a Covid closure, bubble isolation or lockdown. Please look out for it and keep them safe as it contains instructions on how to log-in.

Hopefully, we will not need to return to remote learning; however, it is better to be prepared. We feel Teams will enable us to have some face to face contact with our classes during any period of remote learning.

Reception, you have not been forgotten. You will receive yours very soon too.



We have really missed celebrating Harvest at the church this year but are going to focus on it next week. It won’t be the same without our usual lively service! Each class is going to do something to celebrate and put on the website and Garry is sending us a special assembly that we can share.

We would like donations of tins or packets for the Bridgnorth Foodbank. These can be dropped off on Thursday 15th or Friday 16th – boxes will be put outside the entrance area. 

You might want to listen to the Harvest Samba!



Today, we have been thinking about kindness and the meaning of ‘kind’ and ‘kindness’. We have been thinking about making people feel happier by being kind, helpful, joyful and patient.

Dear God,

Thank you that we can be kind to one another.

Thank you for the teachers and our families who teach us why we need to be kind.

Thank you, God, for the kindness and love that you show us.

Please help us to forgive our friends for any fallings-out.

Please help us always to give people a second chance.

Please help us to say sorry and start again.


Maths Games Subscription

Just a quick reminder that all the children have their own username and password for Times Table Rocks Stars and for Numbots. They should use the same one for both.

Both games are available as apps. It’s a great, fun and productive way to fill those times when waiting for other family members to complete their sports club session or other activities. Learn at your own pace, earn points or compete against a friend.



Multiplication and Division Facts

Having those multiplication and division facts at our finger tips is extremely important. It releases some brain processing time and allows you to focus on problem solving and reasoning about your maths. So, we are continuing to practise our times tables and to have regular “quizzes” to check how you are progressing.

Don’t forget you have a school log in for Times Table Rock Stars. We will soon be giving weekly awards for time spent and speeds achieved.

We have already revised 2,3,4,5,6,8 & 10 multiplication facts so far this term.

The focus in the next few weeks is listed below:

w/c 5/10/20    – 9 x

w/c 12/10/20  –  7 x

w/c 19/10/20 – 3 & 6 & 12 x

w/c 26/10/20 Half Term  – Practise all those covered so far this term – mix them up!

w/c 2/11/20 –  11 x   &   9 x

w/c 9/11   –  Practise all mixed together

For those of you who already can manage 80 in the the time given , keep practising so that you don’t lose your speed and accuracy.