Red Class update

Red Class information:

This is to let you know that we are doing the end of year reading comprehension test tomorrow – Friday.

Monday 12th June – Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

Tuesday – Animals in Hands visit

Friday 16th June – Arithmetic test


Multiplication Tables Check

We have been on the official tables check site today and Year 4 have been able to ‘try it out’ before doing the official check next week. We are going to do the same every day for the rest of the week which is just to familiarise the children with the format. Please do encourage your child to continue to practise them prior to the official check next Monday.


Red class

Hi Red class,

You have been working hard all half term and deserve a really good break. Year 4, you could try to keep recalling your tables facts especially focusing on x7, x8,, x9 and x12 when you can!



Times Tables

We are so impressed with the children who are working hard to learn their tables. It is impressive how well some are doing and it is impacting positively on their maths.

Year 3: make sure you are confident with x3, x4, x8.

Year 4: Please focus on your 9 times table this week. Don’t forget we have the Tables Check in June so keep going!

The children do know their Times Tables Rock Stars logins too.


Red class news

While Year 4’s were away, Year 3 worked on a project with Mrs Stalmans on Morocco. They learnt a lot and were able to tell us all about it.

They found out where Morocco was. They looked at tessellation and symmetry in maths. They created their Islamic tiles which look amazing. They also tried some different foods including flatbreads and couscous.

Today we watched an assembly on Ramadan and Eid.

Eid Mubarak to families celebrating!

Well done Year 4, we are very proud of you and all you’ve achieved this week! You all did well to be in school today. Have a great weekend.

Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Poetry performances

We would like to say a huge well done and thank you to you all for the amazing performances you gave this week for the poetry competition. You should all be so proud of yourselves as we thought you were such superstars to stand up and perform your poems off by heart with so much confidence. Well done Red Class!

Year 4 parents in Red – Residential information

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 4,

We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 5.30pm (apologies over any confusion with the timings). You can bring your Year 4 child (and siblings if childcare is an issue). You will be provided with information on the planned activities and a kit list. We will be available to answer any questions that you or your child may have.

The children will be informed about their sleeping arrangements and groups tomorrow prior to the meeting and we know this will cause great excitement.

Kind regards

Mrs Derrer, Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Colin-Stokes


Home Learning for 10.03.23

Good morning Red class,

Well, it is another snowy day and I hope you are able to enjoy getting out in it. If you get a chance/ wish to do some school work, there are some ideas here.

flashback-friday - Norfolk Public Library

It is our ‘Flashback Friday’ where we know more and remember more, so you could get someone to test you the spellings from last week. I have put the new ones on the spelling page with a couple of video clips to look at. This week’s words start with the prefixes super- and auto-. Have a go at finding out what the words mean and putting them into a sentence.

Tables – please continue to revise these. We are really impressed with the way you are learning these. Use Times Tables Rock Stars or the other programmes which work for you.

Year 3: x3, x4, x8

Year 4: x3, x4, x6, x8.

English – next week we are writing a diary in RE. You could try to write a diary entry about your snow days.

Writing a Snow Diary

Start your diary like this
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was _____________________________!

Or start with

This morning, we__________________________

Diary Checklist – Work through this step by step
-What did you see?
-What did you do next?
-How did it feel?
-What did you do in the snow?
-What was the best part of you Snow Day?

Use these past tense verbs to help you:

ran walked rolled squashed pulled dug
shaped shivered wrapped patted
jumped shouted called squished scraped
pushed placed stuck

Here is an arithmetic is you wish to have a go at one.



In RE we are looking at the Easter story. You can watch this clip all about Palm Sunday.

Don’t forget to work on your poem for the poetry competition.

See you next week!


Red class snow day learning and homework

Good morning Red class,

As we are closed today for the snow I have set you some activities to have a go at.

As we have been enjoying looking at volcanoes in Topic I thought you could do some research about volcanoes and present your information as either a poster or a leaflet.

For Maths there are some nice activity mats from Twinkl you could have a go at.

Year 3 Spring Activity Mat 1

Year 3 Spring Activity Mat 2

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – one star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – two star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 1 – three star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – one star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – two star

Year 4 Spring Activity Mat 2 – three star

Your homework this week has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at making a whole and year 4 are looking at fractions greater than 1.