
Hi Red Class,

We are looking forward to seeing you all back tomorrow. As it is swimming, children can come to school in either PE kit or school uniform – whichever is easiest for your child to change back into after swimming.
Many thanks

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Swimming after half term

Red Class will be going swimming every Monday afternoon starting on Monday 27th February when we return from the half term break and our last session will be on Monday 27th March. Please ensure that the children bring their swimming kits with them to school. Thank you.

No homework half term

Hi Red Class,

Another half term has come to an end! It has been very busy but thank you for all your hard work. We are not setting Maths homework for half term however, keep practising your times tables and keep up with your reading. We hope you all have a lovely half term break and enjoy a good rest. We look forward to seeing you all again when we return on Monday 27th February.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning.

Reading in Red

With the launch of the sponsored read and half-term coming up, we thought we would share some ideas for reading with your child. We find that lots of children are great when sight reading the words but can still miss the meaning of the text. Here are some questions you could ask.

Reading Comprehension Questions

TenStickers. Dr Seuss, The more that you read fairy tale decal. Decorative and easy to apply fairy wall decal with text content '' the more you read the more you know and the more you learn the more you go''.


Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week starts on Monday 6th February.

The theme for this year is ‘Let’s Connect’.

Let’s Connect is about making meaningful connections. People thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing.

The Official Video


Tips for Parents and Carers


An activity for 4-7 year olds to try at home


An activity for 7-11 year olds to try at home


A well-being book list



Red class

We were very impressed today by the scores in the times tables test. The children have clearly been learning them and lots of them were confident.

Next week, Year 3 will be tested on x4 along with a few x3 so that they keep these fresh.

Year 4 will be tested on x4 and x6. 

It was great to see that so many have been using Times Tables Rock Stars.

If your child is using another programme, please record it in the reading diary so that we can give them a merit too.

They have done some great music with Mrs Stalmans this week in creating sound scapes.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 4 children,

This is a reminder that if your child is in Year 4, they will be taking the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check in June. We are able to administer it at any time during a 3 week window starting on Monday 5th June. We will let you know what day we are doing it closer to the time.

We are focusing on tables in school and really do value the support you give in helping your child to learn their tables. It is one skill that is so useful and necessary for many  aspects of maths particularly as children move through the school.

Please encourage use of Times Tables Rock Stars – we can see several children have been on it this week so there will be lots of merits on offer on Friday!

Please see the leaflet produced by the DFE.



A Christmas thank you!

Dear Red Class,

Thank you all so much for your extremely kind and generous gifts you have given us for Christmas! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. Thank you for all your hard work this term and we hope you have a good rest over the holidays. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th January when we return for the spring term.

Take care and hope Santa brings you everything you wish for!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning

Christmas Stockings

This half term our topic in D&T was seasonal stockings. The children have worked really hard on their stockings and have produced some beautiful work. They sewed on the beads, sequins and bells themselves with minimal help and should be really proud with the finished results, we were very pleased with them!Well done Red Class!


Red class – week beginning 12th Dec

We haven’t given any spellings this week. There will be a quiz next Friday on some of the past words we’ve had this term so children can look back at the spelling posts to remind themselves of the rules covered!

Monday 12th Dec – Flu vaccinations

Tuesday 13th Dec – Red Class performances at 1.30pm and 6pm.

You are welcome to take children home after the afternoon performance or they can remain in school until the end of the day. You can collect siblings from other classes if taking home early. Please don’t bring children back to school for the 6pm performance until 5.45pm. They will need to be in costumes.

Wednesday – 14th Dec – PE kit and Christmas jumpers (Christmas T-shirts under jumpers is fine). It is Christmas dinner day too. There will also be a music concert from Shropshire Music Service in the morning.

Thursday 15th Dec – Children can come to school in their own party clothes.

8.00am – Breakfast with Santa. Christmas party afternoon.

Friday 16th Dec – 9.30am – Christmas Church Service

Break up.

Return to school – Wednesday 4th January