Online Safety -Useful Links for Parents

We receive regular updates from E-safety advisers. As parents and teachers, we all know the pressures, problems and dangers our children face online. It is a feature of life now and it can be hard to know how to support our children.

Here are some extracts from the latest newsletter which I hope will help.

Useful Links for Parents

Advice by age:Younger children need different advice and guidance than older children. Older children need different advice and guidance than teens. It can be really difficult keeping up with everything that is online and what risks and issues may affect children of different ages, so on these pages there is some age-related advice and guidance for parents and carers:Pre-school – – 10 year olds – – 13 year olds – plus – up devices:It can be difficult knowing all the different settings that are available on different devices to help protect children, this includes allowing or disallowing chat, friends, spending money, content filters and much more. On these pages you will find the details, as well as non-technical instructions, which will help you understand what is available to you and how to set up your child’s devices.Gaming consoles and devices – – and mobile networks – and search engines – settings on social media:Whilst the mainstream social media apps require those signing up to be 13+ and we recommend that children under 13 do not use mainstream social media, many children and young people are using social media. It is therefore important to understand what features are available to you to help protect your children. This is also important because for the most part, all privacy settings are default off when a new account is created, but also because some social media providers change their features quite frequently, e.g. TikTok.Take a look at this link to see what is available to you and how to set up your child’s social media. We would also advise doing this with your child so that you can discuss the features together. are a few apps out there for those younger children. However the challenge is that, given children primarily use social to message their friends, if their friends aren’t on the app then the children won’t use it. It’s a real dilemma but it is worth letting parents know that there are alternatives out there, which you can find HERE.
Useful new features on YouTube and YouTube KidsYouTube is hugely popular with all age groups but historically parents haven’t had a lot of control over what their children can/cannot watch. But things have changed and YouTube now gives parents a greater degree of control. It isn’t perfect but it is a step in the right direction. Take a look at the page below where you will see a few short videos of newer features that can help you on YouTube and YouTube Kids.


Finding good games, as well as knowing what is appropriate for the age of the child isn’t easy, particularly when there can be lots of peer pressure to play the more popular games which are not always appropriate. Taming Gaming is a great resource for parents to find new games for children as well as lots of advice about content, suitability etc.

Red class update

Firefighter Pank Patel came to talk to the children about fire safety which was very informative and the children asked lots of questions.

The children will be bringing a worksheet home tonight. They were asked if they knew their address in case they needed to make an emergency phone call and most said they did. He also asked them if they knew where the house keys were kept in the event of an emergency. It was also suggested that families do have a chat about working out an escape route in the unlikely event of a fire. We likened it to a school fire drill where we all know what to do if the fire alarm goes off.


The children will be tested on x3 and x4 next week so please can you help your child to make sure they know them.

They are doing well with the Red Class performance – please can you run through the scrip with your child to make sure they know their words – thank you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and those elves behave!


Red Class play costumes

Hi Red Class,

Thank you all so much for organising costumes for our play and thank you to those that have already sent them into school. Our rehearsals are going well and we are all enjoying the play. Please could all costumes be in school by next Wednesday the 7th of December so that we can check everyone has everything they need. We are also planning to hold our dress rehearsal for key stage 1 next Thursday morning.

Many thanks again,

Red Class team

Odd Sock Day

Hi Red Class,

Don’t forget to wear odd socks on Monday 14th November for odd socks day to mark the beginning of anti-bullying week.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Times Tables

Hi Red class,

We are starting a real push on times tables. We know that some children know their tables but we are starting with the 3 times table for the next two weeks. We will be going over them and testing the children on them. If your child knows this table well, they can keep learning the other ones too.

Children need to know the facts instantly and in any order. Here are some links to useful pages to help you. There are also links to ‘Hit the Button’ and ‘Maths Frame – Multiplication Tables Check’ on our Red class information page.


RE in Red class

In RE, we are learning how and why people mark the significant events of life. Today, we discussed the significance of baptism to Christians. Many of the children talked about being christened. In order to think about the meaning in more detail, it would be great if the children could bring in things to share from their own or a family member/friend’s  christening. This can be pictures or special clothes worn – not anything fragile which is of special importance please. Don’t worry if you don’t have anything to send in.

Please can the children bring them in on Friday 30th September.

Thank you

On-line safety

Throughout the school year, we teach the children about keeping themselves safe online. However, technology is not just part of school life. The on-line world we all inhabit is one which changes constantly. As parents, we know how often our children change the apps, games and vocabulary they use. The websites and resources below are designed to help us as parents and teachers keep up-to-date and keep our young people safe.

We have resource links available on our School website but I have included some important links here as well.

Resources For Parents & Carers

Welcome back Red class!

Hi Red class,

We hope that you have had a lovely summer. It will be great to see you all tomorrow.

It is a school uniform day! PE days are on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Red class day start of the day

We open the side gate at 8.40am and you can walk around onto the playground with a member of staff. The day starts at 8.45am – please be on time! The day ends at 3.15pm and children are escorted out to meet parents.

Please remember your water bottle, coat and old outdoor shoes as we will still use the field where possible. Wellie boots are great for lunchtimes if you have a spare pair. If it is

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Harper- Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning

Thank you Red class and happy holiday!

We just wanted to say a BIG thank you to all the children who have been amazing this year. Also, thank you for our end of year gifts. Your generosity is much appreciated.

We hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Y5 Commonwealth Team day

With Year 6 out today, it was an opportunity for Year 5 to get together. Mrs Stalmans organised a Commonwealth team day. The children worked well in their groups – Mrs Stalmans was impressed with them!