Red class spellings for 6th Feb

This week’s spellings are a mixture of adjectives and adverbs using the suffixes less and ly.

Group 1: care, careless, carelessly, careful, carefully.

Group 2: care, careless, carelessly, careful, carefully, thoughtful, thoughtfully

Group 3: thoughtful, thoughtfully, thoughtless, thoughtlessly, painful, painfully, fearless, fearlessly

Can you put them into sentences?

Parents – this week, you could also read these sentences out loud and ask your child to write the whole sentence. You might need to read it out to your child a couple of times! Can they remember and write it?

The careless lady dropped her coat into the sea.

The boy was careful when he offered his sweets.

The girl was carefully unwrapping her gift.


Red class spellings week beginning 30th January

This week’s words have a  /sh/ sound spelt with ‘ch’ (mostly French in origin).

Group 1: chef, machine,    chalet, brochure

Group 2: chef, machine, chalet, brochure, machine, parachute

Group 3: chef, machine, chalet, brochure, parachute, champagne, moustache (apologies group 3, I think you have machine twice on your sheet!)

Bitesize games


Red class spellings 23.01.23

This week’s spellings are from the Year 3/4 statutory word list. Children need to find ways of learning these e.g. spotting patterns in the letters and writing them in different colours.

Group 1: consider, continue, decide, describe

Group 2: calendar, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe

Group 3: calendar, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult

Here is the full list of words children need to now how to spell by the end of Year 4.


Spellings for week beginning 16th Jan

This week’s spellings have the prefixes sub- and tele-

The prefix sub- means under.

The prefix tele comes from the Greek word meaning ‘at a distance’.

Group 1: subway, submerge, telephone, television

Group 2: subway, submerge, submarine, telephone, television, telescope

Group 3: subway, submerge, submarine, substandard, telephone, television, telescope, telegraph

Challenge: Can you find any other words beginning with sub- and tele-?



Red class spellings for 9.01.23

The spellings this week have the suffix -ful or -ness added to the root words.

Group 1: playful, cheerful, fitness, illness

Group 2: playful, cheerful, forgetful, successful, fitness, illness, darkness

Group 3: careful, cheerful, successful, painful, thankful, fitness, illness, quietness, darkness

Red class spellings for 5.12.22

This week, we are adding the suffix -er

Group 1- angrier, earlier, dirtier, hairier

Group 2 – angrier, earlier, dirtier, hairier, drier

Group 3- angrier, earlier, dirtier, hairier, drier, quicker


Red class spellings for 28.11.22

This week we are learning about words which have a short ‘i’ spelt ‘y’.

Group 1 -gym, symbol, pyramid. Egypt

Group 2 -gym, symbol, pyramid. myth, mysterious, Egypt

Group 3 -gym, gymnastics, pyramid. myth, mythical, mysterious, Egypt, symbol

Red class spellings

This week we are learning about the suffixes -er and -est.

Group 1- nicer, nicest, taller, tallest

Group 2 – later, latest, quicker, quickest, brighter, brightest

Group 3 – later, latest, quicker, quickest, brighter, brightest, fresher, freshest

You can have a look at the video below.

This one can be used as a refresher from Year 2.

Please note that we have one more week on x3 for all so there will be a test next Friday and most children will be moving onto the next one – x4. The children were so keen to do them today and it is obvious they have been learning these at home and out of order. Keep going!