Red class spellings for 17.10.22

More homophones this week! It is really important that when talking about the words, the children explain their meaning. You could ask them to verbally put the word into a sentence themselves to see if they know the difference.

Group 1: tale, tail, prey, pray

Group 2: tale, tail, prey, pray, aloud, allowed, board, bored

Group 3: tale, tail, prey, pray, aloud, allowed, board, bored, past, passed



Red class spellings for 10.03.22

This week, we are looking at homophones.

What are homophones? Homophones are words which are spelt and pronounced the same but have different meanings. It is really important that the children learn the meaning and spell the right word when you give the definition or put the word into a sentence.

Group 1: maid, made, great, grate

Group 2:  maid, made, great, grate,  plain, plane, break, brake

Group 3: maid, made, great, grate,  plain, plane, break, brake, sail, sale

Homophones game

Red class spellings 23.09.22

This week’s spellings are apostrophes for contraction. A contracted word (or contraction) is a short word created by putting two words together and dropping one or more of the letters.

Group 1: I’m, he’s, we’re, they’re

Group 2: I’m, he’s, we’re, doesn’t, can’t, they’re

Group 3: doesn’t, can’t, couldn’t, won’t, don’t, isn’t, we’ve, I’m, it’s, they’re

If you are learning them with your child, please ensure they use a capital I for I’m.

Here are some extra activities if you wish to do them with your child.

bbc – contractions



Red class spellings 16.09.22

This week’s spellings involve adding the prefixes un- and dis-

Year 3 – unhappy, unusual, untie, unable, disagree, disappear, dishonest

Year 4 – unhappy, unusual, untie, unable, disagree, disappear, dishonest, dislike

If your child knows the words and wants an extra challenge, here are some sheets you could print off and complete. These sheets will need more discussion about the meaning of the words.

un and dis




Red class spellings


The spellings this week are adding the suffix ‘ing’ to verbs. Each group has more words than they usually have but we think they will know how to spell most of them.

If you wish to do extra learning at home, here are links to some activities.

Year 3 – hoping, coming, liking, running, skipping, putting, clapping, reading, sleeping.

Year 4 – hoping, smiling, liking, coming, running, skipping, clapping, putting, forgetting, beginning, standing, jumping.


Spellings for 11.07.22

This week’s words are from the statutory word list. Many of our children are learning the words for the tests which is great but not remembering them in their writing. We are talking about different ways to remember some of these tricky words. This involves making up phrases to help. These can help some children.

spelling tips for KS2 kids

Group 1: enough, peculiar, pressure, recent, suppose

Groups 2 and 3: enough, peculiar, pressure, recent, suppose, particular, important

Spellings for week beginning 4.07.22

This week’s words have the prefixes re- (meaning again or back) and sub- (meaning under).

Group 1: redo, recover, rebuild, subway, submarine

Group 2: redo, recover, rebuild, reappear, subway, submarine, submerge

Group 3: redo, recover, rebuild, reappear, subway, submarine, submerge, subordinate

Here are some extras for this week –

accident, bicycle, certain, different

Here are some games on prefixes from the BBC site.


Spellings for 27.06.22

This week we are looking at the prefix  dis  (meaning not)

Group 1 – discover, dislike, dishonest, disinfect, disown

Group 2 – discover, dislike, dishonest, disinfect, disown, dishearten, disappear

Group 1 – discover, dislike, dishonest, disinfect, disown, dishearten, disappear, discount

This video clip recaps the use of prefixes.

Spellings for Monday 20th June

This weeks’ words start with the prefix Un

Group 1: undo, unfinished, unattached, unlocked, unnatural

Group 2: undo, unfinished, unattached, unlocked, unnatural, unload, unacceptable

Group 3: undo, unfinished, unattached, unlocked, unnatural, unload, unacceptable,


Here is a short clip to explain how the prefix is used.