
Friday 2nd February, 2024

Superstars of the Week – Friday 2nd February

Blue – Nancy & Molly

Red – Evalyn R & Jessica

Yellow – Florence & Orla

Green – Edward & Ryker

Best Certificates

Blue – Logan

Red – Freddie

Yellow – Isa

Green – Ralph

25 Merits

Brody, Freya

50 Merits



Friday 26th January, 2024

Weekly update -26.01.24

We had a very successful PTA meeting on Monday. Thank you to everyone who came and for all your contributions. We know how lucky we are to have such a wonderful team who are supported by all of our families. This really benefits the children who have so many extra opportunities due to the amazing fund raising.

We celebrated some fabulous super stars today too.

What’s happening next week?

Wednesday 31st January – Dodgeball team at Idsall.

Friday 2nd February – Krispy Kreme sale after school.

Friday 26th January, 2024

Superstars of the Week – Friday 26th January

Blue – Jackson & Orlando

Red – Jayden & Evelyn L

Yellow – Alice & Jenson

Green – Sam & Arjun

Best Certificates

Blue – Jovan

Red – Evalyn R

Yellow – Bruce

Green – Edward

25 Merits

Katie, Esme AC, Hattie, Charlie, Orla, Molly, Darcey, India, Henry, Chloe, Cora

Wednesday 24th January, 2024

An exciting email!

Yellow Class are learning about Explorers in History this half-term and have enjoyed comparing the lives and achievements of explorers from different periods in history. This has included learning about Felicity Aston MBE who became the first woman to ski solo across Antarctica in 2012. As part of this work, the children thought of some questions for Felicity and today we were excited to receive this reply.

‘Hello from Antarctica where I am currently on a ship sailing along the Antarctic Peninsula.
What is the coldest temperature that you have been outside in? 
-59C at the ‘pole of cold’ which is the coldest inhabited place in the world. It is in NE Siberia
What do you miss about home when you are away? 
Apart from friends and family, I miss hot showers and certain foods. I usually plan what my first 24hours of meals will be!
Are there any explorers from the past that you admire? 
Yes, I wrote a book that included many of them including Guðríður, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong and even Agatha Christie (did you know she was an explorer?!)
What is the most interesting animal you have seen? 
All wildlife is awe-inspiring when you see it in the wild but some of my favourites are walrus and Orca. I’ve never seen a narwhal but would love to some day.
What do you most enjoy about going on expeditions? 
The people I travel with.
Is there a place that you haven’t been to yet that you would love to visit?
Lots! There is so much in our world to explore, discover and understand!

Best Wishes, Yellow Class!

PS Here is a picture of some whales I saw today in Antarctica. 


Friday 19th January, 2024

Weekly update 19.01.24

What’s happening next week?

Monday 22nd January – PTA meeting at 7pm in the school hall. All are welcome!

Our athletics teams did very well this week. The girls did a great job in all their events. The boys team came a fantastic 2nd place overall. They were competing with 10 other teams so we are proud of them! Thank you to Mrs Richardson and Mrs Colin-Stokes for taking them.

Red and Blue class had a wonderful trip to the Rep theatre to see ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. It was an amazing performance and the children loved it. They were a pleasure to take out and we know they really enjoyed the experience. Thank you to the PTA and all of you for the support you give them which helped to reduce the cost of this trip whilst providing a fabulous opportunity for them.

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at The Rep | Raring2go!

Well done to this week’s amazing Super Stars!






Friday 19th January, 2024

Superstars of the Week – Friday 19th January

Blue – Jovan & Sofiia

Red – Jemima & Georgiana

Yellow – Bruce & Albie

Green – Fleur & Isabella

Best Certificates

Blue – Lily

Red – Hugo

Yellow – Max

Green – Reuben

Friday 12th January, 2024

Weekly Updates 12.01.24

What ‘s happening next week?

Wednesday – Indoor Athletic Team to William Brookes

Thursday – Blue and Red class in school for 7:50am to go to the theatre to see ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. A separate letter has gone out regarding arrangements for food and drinks on the day. If you haven’t seen one, please contact the office.

Please note a diary date – Meeting for parents of Year 4 going to The Pioneer – Wednesday 13th March at 5:30pm.

Jan 2024

Here are the first ‘stars’ of 2024! We love celebrating all of our children’s success on a Friday so please do send in any awards from clubs.

We can’t thank the PTA enough (which includes all our families) for raising money for the school. We have been able to purchase a wonderful timeline for the school hall. It includes all the topics we cover in history and it is great for the children to be able to see the events and where they took place. We are grateful to Mr Pinder for putting it up so promptly for us too! We unveiled it in assembly today!