
Friday 7th June, 2024

7.06.24 – News from the week and what’s happening next week?

This promises to be a very busy half-term so hopefully you have received the newsletter with some of the main events. This week has already gone very quickly so I know the rest will fly by too!

We had an RE audit from the Diocese on Wednesday. Mark Harrington received a warm welcome and was impressed with the feedback from the children. We will be having our SIAMs (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection next year so this was good preparation.

Well done to our superstars this week.

What’s happening next week – 10.06.24?

Monday – Green and Yellow visiting the Gurdwara.

Tuesday – Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4.

Wednesday – Phonics Screening Check – Year 1.

Mrs Smith from OWS visiting Year 6.

Friday – PTA Father’s Day shop for anyone special.


Friday 7th June, 2024

Superstars of the Week

Blue – Henry & Georgia

Red – Arnie & Hattie

Yellow – Harkirat & Isabel

Green – Ezra & Arjun

Best Certificates

Blue – Sofiia

Red – Jemima

Yellow – Tilly

Green – Reuben

25 Merits

Bruce, Ciara, Aisling, Matthew, Isabel, Hattie

50 Merits

Molly, Jaxon

Thursday 6th June, 2024

Play at Comer Woods

We want to reach out to local schools to share some of the exciting things we have going on in Comer Woods currently.  We have extended our outdoor family play offer this year due to the success of last summer and thanks to the help of funding from Sports England.  This means families can now come along on Tuesdays and Fridays after school for a led play session to make the most of the lighter evenings, as well as Saturday day times.  The play offer will run from now to the end of the school holidays, please find attached a flyer which explains what’s on and when:


Friday 31st May, 2024

PTA news

Thank you to our wonderful PTA who organised the Krispy Kreme sale at the end of last half term. It was a lovely treat and raised £117! Also, a big ‘thank you’ to Ezra’s mum who raised £245 from doing a car boot sale. She has kindly offered to do another one on 9th June with the remaining items. If you have any more donations, these will be collected from the bike shelter on Friday 7th June.

With your support, the money raised does go back to the children and supports all the extra things they are able to do. Thank you everyone!

We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday 3rd June at 8:40am!

Friday 24th May, 2024

Return to school – Monday 3rd June at 8:40am.

Tuesday 4th June – Blue class swimming starts

4-5:30pm- Rounders practice for the team

Wednesday 5th June – Mrs Aguayo in Green today.


Friday 24th May, 2024

What has been happening this week – 20.05.24?

Please don’t forget the field is shut for essential maintenance this week and will remain closed. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

Mrs Derrer was delighted to be well supported on Thursday by Hugo who was Head for the day! He carried out the duties in a very professional manner including leading celebration assembly! Thank you Hugo!

Here are our wonderful Super Stars!

Mrs Nicholls came in to do a water safety talk to Green class.

Blue class went to Danford Brook to carry out some fieldwork.

A big ‘thank you’ to the PTA for selling the Krispy Kreme’s on Thursday – they were very much enjoyed! We are grateful to Ezra’s mum too who is doing a car boot sale over the weekend to raise more funds for school. This really does make a big difference to the extra curricular activities that we can offer our children. Thank you for your continued support.

So, we come to the end of another half-term and there has been so much to celebrate. I hope you all have a good week and manage to find some sunshine!