
Thursday 1st October, 2020

Information on remote learning

In line with DFE guidance, schools are required to provide remote education for children who are isolating. The following letter outlines the provision which your child will have access to. Staff are able to assign tasks to classes, groups or individuals to ensure that children can continue to learn while at home. School will work with any families where access to technology is an issue.

Remote learning in the event of groups isolating .


Tuesday 29th September, 2020

Change of Menu

Thursday 1st October we will now be having Pizza or Breaded Chicken served with Chips and Vegetables.

Dessert – Selection of Cookies

Friday 2nd October we will now be having Beef Bolognaise served with Spaghetti and Vegetables.

Dessert – Fruit Jelly



Friday 25th September, 2020

Pupil Certificates – Friday 25th September

Superstar of the Week

Blue – Rocco & Poppy B

Red – Drew & Amelia DP

Yellow – Henry & Daisy

Green – Harrison R & Finnlay

25 Merits

Esme, Marcus, Alice, Jayden, Evalyn R, Freddie TJ, Frankie, Willow, Jemima, Nevaeh, James B, Eliza, Darcey, Ella

Super Silver

Rocco, Lucas, Jack B, Hollie, Jesse, Jake H, Alfie, Lily TJ, Freya T, Molly B, Nevaeh, Eliza, Orlando, Eva, Jackson, India, Sid, Brody, Luca, Esme, Fred, Jayden, Polly, Lily W, Willow, Jemima

Great to be Gold

Evie, Abigail, James B, Lucas

Thursday 24th September, 2020

Sports4U Dance Club

Dance Club is now open to Year 1 – 4, Thursdays after school, 4.20pm finish.

Four weeks for £24.00.  Children will only require trainers to change into.

Contact Richard Wheeler on 07941 722980

Thursday 17th September, 2020

Clubs/Friday Football

Children can bring a change of kit for Friday Football. Parents are not able to come and watch while the club is taking place. The children will be dismissed along with their bags from the field gate.


Friday 11th September, 2020

Sports4U Clubs

Sports4U Clubs begin next week, please note that the Dance Club is now open to Blue and Red Class.

Sports4U Clubs Sept 2020

Thursday 10th September, 2020

Staffing News

Dear All,

I wanted to share some sad news that Becky, our wonderful Cook-in-Charge, is leaving us next Friday. She has done a brilliant job in the kitchen and along with her team, has delivered many delicious meals.

Becky has shown so much dedication and taken great care to ensure all the children are well fed. She has worked hard over the last couple of weeks to make sure they continued to have hot food whilst complying to the stringent guidelines during these unusual times. We will definitely miss her.

I thought you would like to know as so many of you appreciate the job she does in our kitchen.

I will update you when we have news of her replacement.

Thursday 10th September, 2020

New reception starters

It was lovely to see the new reception children in this week. We are looking forward to them starting next week. Please see the following letter containing further information. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday at 9.00am!

Reception 2020