
Friday 22nd May, 2020

Raring 2 Go Magazine

Raring 2 Go have produced a digital magazine and have asked us to distribute this to our families.  It has been tailored as much as possible to our area. It has the usual crafts, recipes and competitions as well as articles on how to keep the family entertained and has interactive links to useful webpages.

Here is the link: https://magazines.raring2go.co.uk/wolverhampton/spring/

Thursday 7th May, 2020

End of another week!

Thanks to one of our governors for suggesting that some children would like a phone call off their teachers as this has gone well! Here is a short message from me to everyone although speaking to an IPad does not come naturally!

I am also sharing a link to one of the songs we have enjoyed singing in assembly together. Maybe you children can teach your parents – ‘Our God is a Great Big God’!


Tuesday 5th May, 2020

VE Day preparations

I hope that you have seen the poster about the proposed village kite flying event on Friday. This is going to happen just after the two minutes silence. Mrs Mottram dug out some kites that she had at home and used them as inspiration for the children making their own. I think hers were like the ones I remember (and I’m sure some of you do too!) many years ago which involved a lot of running around and hard work before they would fly! The children made their own kites and have hung them on the school gate – a good afternoon! I hope some of you are having fun making your own kites too!



Tuesday 5th May, 2020

Some Updates!

Dear All,

I hope you are having a good week so far? Some of you will have received phone calls from your teachers this week and if you haven’t yet, your turn will come! Others were very pleased with the communication they are having and didn’t feel the need for a call which is absolutely fine too! We are here to support you in the best way that we can. Most of all, it appears that everyone is trying hard and completing at least some of the work set and there are some good routines going on.

I have some updates and links which might be helpful!

Supporting home learning – Planning the day

Parenting team support

Whilst the teachers are really planning the learning carefully, your children might enjoy exploring some of these sites too.

Publishers Current Awareness

Here is a link to some active sites. You might like to look through and find some to suit your family. There is one game based around Uno cards!


Lastly, here is the link to the DFC guidance. Please remember that we are open for children of key workers if required.


There is a lot of information on this post but you might find something useful!

Friday 1st May, 2020

Weekly Update

I hope that you have all managed to survive another week of home learning! The weather has been very different this week but I am sure you have still managed to do something active!

I have received this poster from Karen at The Plough with an idea to celebrate VE Day. Check it out as you might want to make a kite and take part in a village event whilst ensuring that you maintain those social distances too.


Have a good weekend everyone

Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Winner of art competition

We are delighted to announce that Lilly Brown, Year 6, has won first prize in the Shrewsbury Bookfest  art competition. Her picture was selected from  over  600 contestants. It depicts a scene from the book Eagle Warrior by Gill Lewis, one of the books put forward to win the Book Award.

We are very proud of Lilly’s achievement.

Lilly is pictured with another piece that she produced last week – what an amazing and talented artist!

Here’s what she said about her competition entry.

‘I have a strong passion for acrylic painting. As my paint brush glides across the canvas, my troubles and worries disappear & I can truly express myself through painting. So, I decided I would love the chance to win, or at least come as a runner up in this competition. It was hard choosing a book to base my painting on. After I came to the conclusion I wanted to choose the book Eagle Warrior, I wanted to do the last part of the book – when the eagle flies off into the sunset. It took me about three hours to complete as I had to let multiple layers of paint dry and I had to sketch the eagle.’

Wednesday 22nd April, 2020


Well done everyone for getting back to your home learning and keeping in touch. You are combining the work which has been set along with a good variety of extra activities. I know that teachers have been looking at and uploading pictures and here are some which have been sent to me too – who do you recognise? The art work was produced by Oliver A. Keep going everyone!
