
Thursday 16th April, 2020

Thank you!

I thought I would share a few pictures sent in from one of our key workers, Gracie and Drew’s mum. She works for the NHS and I know she has been on some very long shifts over the Easter holiday. These pictures show her along with some of her colleagues holding pictures which Gracie and Drew produced and sent in.

If your family is taking part in the clap for the NHS on Thursday nights, maybe we could all do an extra clap tonight for an amazing mum who is part of our Claverley community.

Well done to any of our other key workers too!


Friday 27th March, 2020

Key Workers

Information for Key Workers (Covid-19)

From 23rd March, schools were closed except to the children of Key Workers or Vulnerable Children. 

It is better that children are not in school. We are keen to keep the numbers as low as possible to lower the risk of infection and maintain our provision.
Please don’t consider this a place for children to socialise – it isn’t.
Remember the message –
Stay home, Stay safe.

What will this care look like?
We are offering a safe place for your child in the event that you have no safe alternative. If they can stay at home, they must stay at home. Home is the safest place for children to be. 

The provision we offer is vulnerable to closure should staff become unwell.

We will be maintaining distancing measures as much as we are able to. This means children will sit at separate tables and will be discouraged from touching one another, holding hands or sharing equipment (we are sensitive to family groups). We will continue to have stringent hand washing routines in place at key points during the day. Children will be asked to wash their hands upon arrival into school and at other key points throughout the day.

When you pick up and drop off you child, please observe sensible distancing from other parents and children.

What you need to do:

  1. Send them in sensible, comfortable clothes with trainers and wellies, so we can get them outside as much as possible.
  2. Make sure your child washes their hands before leaving home for school.
  3. Wash your child’s clothes after a day in school and make sure they shower/bath when they get back from being in school. Children may carry the virus and display no symptoms. Your children are much more likely to pass this virus around because they are continuing to access the school site and mix with children. We have to do everything we can to avoid spreading the virus into our community.
  4. Take them directly home from school and keep them there. They should not be playing out or visiting friends or family.
  5. Ensure sure we have the most up-to-date contact details for you.
  6. Understand that if your child displays any symptoms, they will be placed in an isolation room and you will be contacted immediately. They will be sent home and will not be able to access the provision for 14 days.
  7. Understand that the school care is vulnerable to sudden closure. Of course, we will do everything we can to stay open but our staff have to follow the same guidelines that apply to everyone else.
  8. Remember that our childcare is flexible. We would much rather you only used the provision when you absolutely have to. Feel free to drop them off late and collect them early to fit in with shift patterns. We want to reduce their exposure to one another as much as possible.
  9. Only use school for care if there is genuinely no alternative. 

If you do require the provision, you must complete the Key Worker form and send it to head@claverley.shropshire.sch.uk.

Key workers

You must also complete the booking form by 11.00am on the Friday of the week prior to the childcare being required.

Form for week beginning Monday 30th March:

Booking form

Thank you for your help with this matter.

Friday 20th March, 2020

Sport Relief

A total of £111.00 was raised for Sport Relief.  Thank you for your support.

Thursday 19th March, 2020

Blue Class Maths Booster – Cancelled

Maths booster has been cancelled tomorrow morning – Friday 20th March.

Monday 16th March, 2020

ParentPay – Our New Online Payment Service

We are pleased to announce that we will shortly be accepting payments online for items such as dinner money, trips etc.  Using a secure website called ParentPay you will be able to pay online using your credit / debit card or continue to make cash payments at PayPoint stores.  ParentPay will be our preferred method of making payments to school.

We will send you your account activation details week beginning 30th March.  Once you receive these visit www.parentpay.com and follow the instructions.


Friday 13th March, 2020

Message from the Head

It was great to see everyone in their sporty gear today and we were able to raise some money for Sport Relief. A small group of children were selected to represent our school at X-Country in the Shropshire Winter Games on Tuesday. It was a long course and they did all tried hard. Well done Harriet, Logan, Oliver and Harley.

Some Year 4’s have been out around the village doing a litter pick this week and it was surprising how much they found.

Blue Class have been filming their trailers for the Bookfest Books and they look amazing. We will get them on the website as soon as  we can. We certainly have some budding actors in our school!

It has been a busy week where we have been keeping up to date with all of the latest advice from the DFE and Local Authority with regard to the coronavirus. Please click on the link to see the latest information.

Advice for Parents

Friday 13th March, 2020


Please be reminded that you must send tape into school for your child to cover their earrings on the days they have PE.

Friday 13th March, 2020

Superstars of the Week – Friday 13th March

Blue  Evie

Red  Amelia

Yellow Cora        

Green  Nancy


Mathematician of the Week

Chloe (Red)

Reader of the Week

Hollie (Yellow)

Writer of the Week

Eliza (Green)

Scientist of the Week

Owen (Blue)

25 Merits

Rosie B, Poppy B, Maisie H, Nina L, Charlotte S, Nevaeh E, Ruby-Rose M, Freya T, Jack W, Sid W, Jacob W