
Wednesday 11th March, 2020

Filmmakers Club

Filmmakers Club has been cancelled tomorrow, Thursday 12th March.

Friday 6th March, 2020

Message from the Head!

This week we have been doing our data capture which will enable us to provide parents with accurate feedback at parent’s evening. Times will be coming out next week.

We have participated in lots of sporting events including:girls’ football and Year 3/4 football. Our teams have played well and we will be updating the sports page. We had a really interesting talk from the organisers of Bridgnorth Food Bank on Tuesday. So many of you have responded since then and some have told me it is at the request of their children so a big ‘thank you’ for this.World book day was a success and hopefully you will have seen some of the pictures.

We are finalising our procedures so that we can start using ‘ParentPay’ for all meals after Easter. I know many of you will welcome this move and it will make things so much easier in the office. You will be receiving your information and log-ins over the coming weeks.

A quick reminder that we are a nut-free school and this includes the healthy snack bars which children bring to school.

Don’t forget next Friday is Sports Relief Day so children can come in their own sporty gear with a £1.00 donation!


Friday 6th March, 2020

Superstars of the Week – Friday 6th March

Blue  Aggie

Red  Zoe

Yellow  Ruby-Rose          

Green  James


Mathematician of the Week

George (Yellow)

Reader of the Week

Georgia (Green)

Writer of the Week

Laila (Blue)

Scientist of the Week

Oliver (Red)

25 Merits

Oliver A, Lilly B, William B, Xenya E, Oliver H, Alice R, Isabelle B, Jovan D, Jesse G, Mark L, George B, James B, Molly B, Daisy B, Olivia C, Marcus E, Georgia F, Finnlay F, Alice J, Eva L, James L, Abigail N, Jayden N, Poppy R, India SM, Phoebe S, Freddie TJ, Lily W

Thursday 5th March, 2020

World Book Day in Yellow Class

We have been inspired by the book ‘ The King Who Banned The Dark’ by Emily Haworth-Booth.
Thursday 5th March, 2020

World Book Day

Today we have seen several interesting book characters around the school! All classes have enjoyed the day. Even the vicar (Garry) came in character!

Green Class have designed front covers and made videos based on their favourite books. Yellow Class have based the day on ‘The King who banned the Dark’, they have done some acting, used pastels to create a firework display, made crowns and dipped peppermint creams in chocolate. Red Class learnt to speak dragonese and did a quiz based on ‘How to Train your Dragon’ from their Viking topic. Blue Class used the Bookfest books and planned their trailers which will be filmed next week and did some art work.

Wednesday 4th March, 2020

Side Gate

Registration Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,

The side gate to school opens at 8.45am. The registration period starts at 8.50am and lessons start promptly at 9.00am. If children arrive at 9.00am, it is disruptive for the start of the day and unsettles the class during their learning time. We are required to put a late mark by any child arriving after 9.00am although we do understand that sometimes there is a very valid reason for arriving late and this is also recorded.

From Monday 9th March, the side gate will be locked at 8.55am and children arriving after this time can come in through the main entrance. Please try to ensure that your child is in school in enough time to unpack their things and be ready for learning at 9.00am!

Thank you.


Friday 28th February, 2020

Memory Control Research Project

A letter was sent out to all 8 – 11 year old children about Alison Galley’s Research Project. Please return the consent form if you would like your child to take part.

Friday 28th February, 2020

Superstars of the Week – 28th February

Blue  Owen

Red  Jack

Yellow  Jack           

Green  Eva


Mathematician of the Week

Abigail (Green)

Reader of the Week

Oliver H (Blue)

Writer of the Week

Lexi (Red)

Scientist of the Week

Iris (Yellow)

25 Merits

Hollie D, Matilda F, Iris M, Darcey M, George P, Cora P, Jackson R, Lily TJ, Ellie W, Henry B, Nancy C, Luca C, Esme E, Eliza J, Sabrina L, Harrison L, Evalyn R, Frankie T, Willow W, Jemima WT