
Monday 24th February, 2020

Term Dates

All term dates for this year and 20/21 are in the parents area under office/term dates, then scroll to the bottom.

Monday 24th February, 2020

Money Sent Into School

Could we remind parents that all money sent into school must be in a sealed envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s name and its purpose.

Thursday 13th February, 2020

World Book Day – 5th March

Come to school dressed as a book character for the day

and bring the book your character is from into school.

Thursday 13th February, 2020

PTA News

The PTA have continued to raise money for the school and the children have benefited greatly in a variety of ways. Thanks to all who have given up their time to organise and run events. Thanks to our parents for supporting the events. Please look at the calendar for exciting events which are planned. There is also a breakdown showing how the money has been spent.

Calendar of events

Spend chart

Thursday 13th February, 2020

25 Merits – Week Ending 13th February

Thomas C, Macey H, Seb B, Amelia DP

Thursday 13th February, 2020


Pancakes will be served for pudding with a choice of toppings:

Lemon & Sugar

Chocolate Sauce



Thursday 13th February, 2020

Dinner Money

Next half term’s dinner money will be £72.00 (24th February to 3rd April inclusive)

Please make cheques payable to Shropshire Council

Friday 7th February, 2020

Superstars of the Week – 7th February

Blue  Freya

Red  Maisie

Yellow  Ellie            

Green  Willow


Mathematician of the Week

Evie (Blue)

Reader of the Week

Lucas (Red)

Writer of the Week

Harley (Yellow)

Scientist of the Week

Henry (Green)

25 Merits

Alfie P, Evie P, Harriet H, Fabio P, Jake S

Wednesday 5th February, 2020

Children’s Mental Health Week

The children have been having some fantastic discussions this week around the theme of ‘Find Your Brave’. In our assembly today, children from all classes shared their responses to questions about bravery, facing your fears and sharing your worries. One great way of starting discussions about feelings and emotions is through sharing a book together. These are some suggested titles on this theme.

For EYFS and K.S.1: Be Brave Little Penguin by Giles Andreae, The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright, The Wolf’s Colourful Coat by Avril McDonald and What was I scared of? by Dr Seuss.

For K.S.2: The Huge Bag of Worries by Virginia Ironside, Mind your head by Juno Dawson, Blame my brain by Nicola Morgan and Wonder by RJ Palacio.