
Friday 17th January, 2020

Message from the Head

The Boccia teams played well on Monday and both got through to the quarter finals. Well done to Sophie, Halle, Lilly, Oliver H, Jake and Connor!

Blue Class enjoyed their visit to Birmingham Rep to see Peter Pan. The production was fantastic and they had had a great time. We were grateful to the PTA for the water and cookies during the interval. We were proud of the children’s good behaviour on the day.

Next Monday, the choir are off to Young Voices at the Genting Arena in Birmingham. They have rehearsed the songs and actions and will have a wonderful time. Don’t forget a pack tea, your YV T-shirts and plenty to drink through the afternoon!

We are looking forward to the reading day on Wednesday and children can come to school in pyjamas. We will be launching the Bookfest for Blue, Red and Yellow class  and Reading Miles for Green class. We have purchased some new books for all classes. Please come to the reading workshop at 6.00pm if you can as we are going to share the structure of the Bookfest and how to support your child with their reading.

PHONICS (Green class parents)- We are also sharing some of the strategies for hearing your child read and phonic sounds in a workshop on Friday 24th Jan at 2.45pm if you would like to drop in.





Friday 17th January, 2020

Street Dance Taster Sessions

There will not be any street dance on 23rd January, the final taster session will take place on 30th January. Enrol at sports4ultd.com by 1st February if your child would like a place for next half term. (27th Feb – 2nd April Inclusive).

Friday 17th January, 2020

Craft Club

One more place has now become available for Craft Club, Tuesdays 3.20 – 4.20pm.

If interested please contact the school office.

Friday 17th January, 2020

Superstars of the Week

Blue  Toby

Red   Rosie       

Yellow Seb                  

Green Sabrina


Mathematician of the Week

Evalyn (Green)


Reader of the Week

Aggie (Blue)


Writer of the Week

Eden (Red)


Scientist of the Week

Freya (Yellow)


Friday 10th January, 2020

Message from the Head

Happy new year and welcome back to the spring school term.

I have added the term dates for next year onto the bottom of the ‘Term Dates’ page.

Red and Yellow class had a wonderful time at the theatre and certainly enjoyed the performance. It is the turn of Blue class next Wednesday when they will be going to see ‘Peter Pan’.

Please check that you have seen the letter about the reading workshop/information evening on Wednesday 22nd January. Please come along if you are available.

The choir are busily preparing for Young Voices on Monday 20th January. We will give out the T.shirts next week.

We hope that you have subscribed for the newsletter and should get this on a Friday night.

Don’t forget Red class have PE on Monday morning and not Thursday next week!


Friday 10th January, 2020


Contemporary and Street Dance

Thursdays 16th, 23rd and 30th January – 3.20-4.20pm – Years: Reception – Year 3

Enrol: Phone/Text – Richard Wheeler 07941 722980 and let the School Office Know

Attend one, two or all three sessions.

If your child enjoys the lessons you have the opportunity to enrol them

for the 2nd half term (Thursday 27th Feb – 2nd April) for £36.00.

Friday 10th January, 2020

Pyjama Day – Wednesday 22nd January

Children are to come to school in their Pyjamas on Wednesday 22nd January, this is to launch our big focus on reading.

Friday 10th January, 2020

Superstars of the Week

Blue  Laila

Red   Poppy N       

Yellow Jackson & Matilda                  

Green Daisy


Mathematician of the Week

Thomas (Blue)


Reader of the Week

Emma (Red)


Writer of the Week

Nevaeh (Yellow)


Scientist of the Week

Phoebe (Green)


Thursday 9th January, 2020

Winter Warmer Menu – Thursday 16th January

Toad in the Hole & Gravy (Pork sausages or vegetarian sausage in a Yorkshire pudding & gravy)

Mediterranean Cheese Stacker (V) (Layers of tortilla wrap with cheese, tomato couli & mediterranean vegetables – oven baked)

Served with:

Herby Diced Potatoes

Carrots & Cauliflower Cheese

Followed by:

Chocolate Sponge with Chocolate Sauce

Fruit Salad & Yoghurt


Wednesday 8th January, 2020


Red and Yellow class have enjoyed a great performance of Aladdin at Theatre Severn.

Thank you to all who helped and to the PTA for their support.