Blue Class spellings and maths homework w/b 23/9

Edshed is now up and running. All children received log in details on Friday which have been stuck into reading diaries. I also checked this morning that all children have got them. When children log on they will need to use this new log in not their one from last academic year. Therefore, any saved log in details will need to be changed.

Children will still bring a paper copy of new spellings for this week but they are also on Edshed for those who prefer to learn them using the games.

Maths homework will be on the maths shed part of the site from and is set to appear on a Tuesday and completed by the Tuesday. If any children have any difficulty logging on or finding their assignments they should come and see any member of the Blue class team before the homework is due. We are aiming not to give out paper copies of homework in order to try to do our bit to save the amount of paper we use so homework will be set on line.

Kind regards,

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Red Class spellings 13.09.24

We will be posting spellings every week.

This week, the children might have a lot to learn so please encourage them to learn as many as possible but don’t worry if they can’t learn them all. They will be grouped for future weeks.

This week we are learning about words with ‘ou’ in them.

Year 3: mouth, around, ouch, sound, proud, hound, found

Year 4: mouth, around, ouch, sound, proud, hound, found, trout, spout, sprout

We have had some technical issues with Ed Shed this week so there is a link below to the words on spellzone. We will hopefully have Ed Shed up and running next week.


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Field trip to Danford Brook

This afternoon Blue class visited our local brook  as part of our topic on rivers. We measured the width, depth and speed of the river. We discovered that  where the stream was narrower,  the water was deeper and the stream was flowing faster.

Lots of fun was had – particularly when we raced the ducks along the brook! Whilst no one fell in, there were a few wet feet!

Using OS maps back at school we found out brook flowed into the River Wolfe which then flowed into the River Severn just above Bridgnorth.