
Mrs Davies has taught in Green Class for the last three years and she has been a valuable member of staff. The children have really enjoyed being in her class.

Mr Goodman, our sports coach, is moving onto a new role after delivering our PE this year. The children have enjoyed their lessons with him and will remember his funny staff lockdown video clips!

We hope they might pop back in September to say ‘goodbye’ to the children.



Goodbye to Year 6

Last Thursday, we invited our Year 6 into school for a socially distanced leavers’ afternoon. Although we couldn’t all be together, we were thinking of all of our talented and wonderful children. Some had been attending school and others had carried on with their learning from home during one of the strangest and unprecedented school years known.

Thanks to the parents, we all enjoyed pizza and cupcakes in the hall. We then sat socially distanced while we heard all of the Year 6 memories and as always, they entertained us! It was lovely that Garry came too.

It is with great pride that we are sending the group off knowing that they have experienced a very different end to their primary school years but have shown  resilience, determination and retained their sense of humour!

Our Year 6 Lockdown Leavers

Their final walk through the school.


You might like to watch the Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly from the Hereford Diocese


Poem written by Lilly.

We know that you will all be great! Good luck to all our Year 6!

The Tempest

Our Year 6 “returners” are excited to present their abridged version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

They have been studying Shakespeare and the Tempest in English this term. Using Live action filming and Green screen techniques, they have created this film as an impressive alternative to the usual end of year play.

We have uploaded it in two parts due to the time limits on You tube.



Part 2





Reading w/c 6th July

We know lots of you have enjoyed the Tempest and learning about Shakespeare. BBC Bitesize Daily lessons has a some lovely videos and activities about Macbeth.

Using the play Macbeth you will learn how to summarise a character and use information from a text to write.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of TV presenter Ore Oduba reading extracts from the book

  • three activities

Click here


Friday News

It is the end of another week in our social distancing school. The Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Worker children are working well in their bubbles and have adapted to the new routines.

We heard the announcement that schools are not expected to open to wider year groups and this has left everyone feeling disappointed. Sadly, we don’t have the capacity to invite more children into the school at this time.

However, the teachers really did want all you home learners to know that we are thinking about you so we have put together a short clip! You won’t believe how long it took us to do it and Miss Pullinger has done some careful editing for us!

I am attaching the letter which was emailed out to parents too.

Letter for Parents 12th June

Have a good weekend.

Dear God,

Thank you for our wonderful school.

Thank you for our families and those who we care about.

Help us to look after each other.

Help us to be kind.

May we all find a way to continue our learning and be the best we can be.


Reading Comprehension Blue w/c 8th June 2020

The reading sessions from BBC Bitesize focus on a range of year 5 and 6 comprehension skills.


Tell Me No Lies by Malorie Blackman

LO: inference skills about characterisation and writing in the style of an author

Lesson link


Science w/c 8.6.20

This week we have some activities which give you an opportunity to work scientifically. There are objectives in the science curriculum which require scientific skills rather than facts.

Working Scientifically:

  • plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary
  • take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when appropriate
  • record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs

These activities encourage you to think about the different micro-climates that you can find in your own garden: lesson-activity_measuring-microclimates   Some parts of my garden get no sun but others have sun for most of the day. In some parts only certain plants grow well. In others parts I can grow anything. I wonder why this is?

  1. Choose three of four different places in your garden. You should think which you think is he windiest, the hottest, the driest.

2. Once you have identified the different places, take a photo using a phone or tablet if you have one. Try zooming in on different things. We will use these pictures later.

3.   Making the weather equipment, measuring Air temperature, wind speed and wind direction as it suggests in these sheets: lesson-activity_measuring-microclimates. You might also observe the number of hours of sunshine in that area.

4. Which type of chart would be the best for presenting your data? Would it be a bar chart or a line graph? Can you draw one or use IT to create one? You might like to use the graphs section on purple mash for this especially if you don’t have excel or other suitable software at home.

Printable versions:

Working scientifically linked with habitats instructions





To All our Home Learners

Hi to all our home learning children (some of you might need your parents to read this to you!),

I just wanted to update you on this week and say that we haven’t forgotten you! As part of the government guidance, some children have come back to school. We have had to make lots of plans ready including making sure that there is enough space between the tables and giving everyone their own resources. We have had to use a strict ‘keep left’ policy for the corridors too.

So, I think we have all experienced lots of different emotions this week. I expect you have had lots of different feelings while working and being at home too. We often talk about our feelings in school so I wonder if you might want to use this video and tell someone at home how you are feeling at home.

I am feeling happy that we have have a good week in school and have seen a few of our children. I am also a bit sad that we haven’t started the second part of the summer term seeing all of you. We know that keeping safe is the most important thing we can all do and that this plan is best for now. Keep going with your home learning!

I have also seen this song (Just Sing!) which some of you might like to learn too!

A prayer to share

Dear God,

Thank you for all the feelings we have and that it is good to talk to others about them.

It is fine to feel sad or scared sometimes

And it’s great to feel happy when we can.

Please help us control our bad feelings and not let them take over us.




Wider opening of the school on Monday 1st June

The staff and governors have worked hard to ensure the preparations for the wider reopening of the school can begin in a phased approach on Monday. There is a lot of information on this page which I am hoping you will find useful.
Monday 1st June and Tuesday 2nd June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Year 1 at 9.00am.
Wednesday 3rd June and Thursday 4th June
School open for: Key Worker children, Year 6 at 8.45am and Reception children at 9.15am.

Please note that as there is strict guidance on the number of the bubbles, you must inform the school by 3pm on the Wednesday of the previous week if you are planning on sending your child back to school.

Please don’t forget to put sun cream on your child before they come to school and provide a hat – thank you.

I hope you have had a chance to look at some of the information sent out yesterday too!

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Information letter for parents

CLAVERLEY risk assessment June 1st

Letter from LA

Letter from the Catering Company

Government publication for the wider opening of schools


Online safety information for parents


Coming back to school

Hi All,

There is a lot of talk in the news and we have shared our plans for a return to school and in preparation, I thought some of these clips might help our children. It would be great if you could play them with your child and stop them when you want to discuss something. They might be usedful!

Back to School-Social-Story

While We Can’t Hug

Back to School