For Blue Class From Mrs D

So, it’s time for me to say goodbye.  Even though I haven’t seen you all for a long time, I’ve been thinking about you lots and believe it or not, it usually makes me smile when I do!

Some of you are going back to school soon, some of you aren’t. Some of you will move on to new schools, some of you will come back to Claverley as Year 6, the role models for the rest of the school.  Whatever you do, be the best version of yourself you can be, work hard and be kind.

There are certain things that come to mind when I think of you all – as a class but mostly as individuals.  Here is how I will remember each of you.  Can you tell which is for you?

I’ll remember you for…

For ‘Tales from your Garden’,

For your ICT wizardry,

For your patience towards others,

For your “great big buckets of sugar!”

For being utterly reliable,

For your resilience in the face of origami,

For your quiet offers of help,

But also, for the state of that cloakroom!


For getting my ‘jokes’,

For your epic Lockdown Diary,

For organising me,

For showing me your ‘best self’,

For your unexpected cake-decorating skills,

For your amazing new confidence,

For laughing until you cried,

For your mature acceptance when things were tough,

But also, for the terrible state of that cloakroom!


For your devotion to ‘Barbara’,

For your oodles of doodles,

For your relentless good humour,

For being a secret science buff.

For your well deserved maths move,

For your post-Arthog transformation,

For never truly deserving the ‘Horrible Child Award’!

For your competition modesty,



For stories of your furry friends,

For your delightfully chatty emails,

For sorting it out and moving forward,

For your TikTok moves,

For your nods and smiles when you catch my eye,

For comparing me to your Gran!

For your silly sense of humour,

For your secret smiles,

For being a Christmas Angel,



Take care of yourselves and keep smilling.




Dear All,

What another extraordinary week. I am attaching a letter to keep you in the loop with where we are up to. I really do hope that I will be able to clarify our position on opening for wider groups early next week. I thought that some of you might like to see the government guidance and the strict guidelines that we are working to.

Best wishes
Jo Derrer

Letter re return June 2020

Foundation Subjects


For those of you who still have some energy for indoor learning by the afternoon the BBC Bitesize Stone Age to Iron age suggested learning fits quite well with our planned curriculum:

What was it like to live in the Stone age?

How do we know what prehistoric Britain was like?

What is Stonehenge?


If you are looking for a change from the Joe Wicks PE session or just hoping to add something else there are some great Yoga through stories for children sessions you can access these through the Classroom Secrets Daily Timetable. They link to you tube where you can follow  suggestions for eve more Cosmic Yoga sessions.

Classroom Secrets Daily timetable

We are going on a bear hunt Yoga

Music  and Spanish

The National Oak Academy has some other useful resources:

Pulse and Rhythm and Scales (The Spanish lessons can be found at the bottom of the page)

You will also find some interesting History topics which we don’t nromally cover at Primary school which might interest those of you with a love of History.



We will continue to focus on White Rose maths. We are still a week behind so we are working on  week 2   27.4.  At the time of writing this, the resources are still available free.  However, they have said they will take away some of the free resources. I will check the site tomorrow morning and if this is the case, I will upload work that you can access.

Year 5

Your work this week is adding and subtracting decimals. Watch the videos each day from week 2 27.4 and then attempt the activity. I have included the activities below in case they have been taken off the site.

day 1 year 5

day 1 answers

day 2 activity

day 2 answers

day 3 activity

day 3 answers

day 4 activity

day 4 answers

Year 5 squares

Adding and subtracting decimals is something we have done together  but if this work is too difficult go to Red class homework and do the year 4 activities on money

Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables.

Year 6 

Your work this week is focussing on angles in  quadrilaterals and polygons, and problem solving. Watch the videos each day from week 2 27.4 and then attempt the activity. I have included the activities below in case they have been taken off the site.

Day 1 activity angles yr 6

Day 1 answers yr 6

Day 2 activity y r6

Day 2 answers yr 6

day 3 -Problem-Solving yr6

Day 3 -Answers-Problem-Solving

day 4-Problem-Solving yr 6 activity

Day 4-Answers-Problem-Solving yr6


I have added a year 5  and year 6 full arithmetic for you to practise your skills. i am hearing lots of you have fantastic scores!

Year 5  Y5-Arithmetic-Full-Test-9

Year 6  Arithmetic Paper 9


Maths w/c 27.4.20

We have more fractions and decimals for you this week.

Year 3    Year 3 maths videos for the week



Answers Y3-Summer-Block-1-ANS6-Add-fractions-2020



Answers  Y3-Summer-Block-1-ANS7-Subtract-fractions-2020

Year 4    Maths Videos for the week



Answers Monday-Y4-Summer-Block-1-ANS5-Round-decimals-2020



Answers Tuesday-Y4-Summer-Block-1-ANS6-Halves-and-quarters-2020


The two files below provide further practise of the topics from Monday and Tuesday before you move onto the WhiteRose lessons 3 and 4 for this week which use the decimal concepts looking at money.

As on Friday last week, there are three sheets in each – just choose one unless you are really enjoying doing these sheets!





Spelling Activities

Hello everybody. I have some requests for printable sheets for learning our spelling rules.

These sheets practise this week’s rule: endings spelt “tion” which make the “SHUN” sound. Some of the words are different from the list, but they do follow the rule.

tion Letter Tiles Spellings Activity Sheet

tion Spelling Crossword

tion Word Search 2

Tion Word Search

Don’t forget the pyramid words, back writing etc on this sheet which can be used for all spellings:

varied spelling_activities

I hope these help. Choose the ones which work in your family – we don’t all learn spelling best in the same way. Remember, the aim is to be able to spell them correctly when you used them in your writing.




Spring Themed Activities

Now that the hours of day light we are experiencing are increasing, I thought you might like to turn your thoughts towards Spring.

I have attached some Spring themed activities. Hopefully, they will give some ideas for using a range of skills whilst having fun.

  1. Create a Spring Box    For this you could use any media you like. You could use soil and seeds; card and paper; play-dough or clay; Lego or any other materials you have to hand.
  2. Easter-Chick-Paper-Model-Instructions
  3. Simple-Origami-Easter-Bunny-Rabbit-Paper-Craft Simple-Origami-Easter-Carrot-Paper-Craft
  4. Spring Activity Booklet        Spring Activity Booklet Answers
  5. lks2-easter bunny-mystery-maths-game
  6. lks2-easter-spag-mystery-problem solving-game-english
  7. Easter Measurement Prompt Cards    Easter Measurement Prompt Cards – Answers
  8. Easter Baking Maths Challenge Cards      Easter Baking Maths Challenge Cards-Answers
  9. Easter-themed-basket-craft
  10. Easter-egg-mindfulness-colouring-pages

Please don’t feel pressure to do all of these. We normally have visits to the sea and from grand-parents and cousins during Easter. This year we having to plan how to spend some time together as a family within the boundaries of our own home and garden, so thought you might appreciate some Spring and Easter things to keep your brains and hands busy. I can think of a few members of Red who are probably already filling their home with Origami and other crafts.

Cake baking and gardening seem to be high on the list for me. My boys like the idea of the cake baking, but seem less excited about helping me in the garden – it must be their age…We might try the games we normally play over the dark Christmas holiday such as Charades, Stop the bus, Go Fish, Knock out Wist, Snap, Call my Bluff, Count down etc.

Mrs B


Good Morning!

I hope you are enjoying your home learning!

When you’ve watched the Meerkat video on the Literacy shed link I posted yesterday, there is writing to do. I have listed below some of the things we have been trying to include in our writing:

  • past tense
  • fronted adverbials (with commas)
  • adjectives
  • expanded noun phrases
  • powerful verbs
  • paragraphs
  • dialogue (speech)
  • propositions
  • conjunctions (I SAW A WABUB)

I look  to receiving some of your wonderful stories. Please don’t feel you have to send them, but a few would be lovely. I could share the best on here…