Message from the Head

It was great to see everyone in their sporty gear today and we were able to raise some money for Sport Relief. A small group of children were selected to represent our school at X-Country in the Shropshire Winter Games on Tuesday. It was a long course and they did all tried hard. Well done Harriet, Logan, Oliver and Harley.

Some Year 4’s have been out around the village doing a litter pick this week and it was surprising how much they found.

Blue Class have been filming their trailers for the Bookfest Books and they look amazing. We will get them on the website as soon as  we can. We certainly have some budding actors in our school!

It has been a busy week where we have been keeping up to date with all of the latest advice from the DFE and Local Authority with regard to the coronavirus. Please click on the link to see the latest information.

Advice for Parents

Message from the Head

We have come to the end of another busy half-term. There have been sporting musical events and a lot of learning going on. The focus on reading and the launch of the bookfest has had a really positive and exciting effect on so many children who have been avidly reading at every opportunity! The governors have invested some money in new books throughout the school which we are hoping will continue to motivate our children. Don’t forget we would love to see pictures of your child reading in an unusual place! The KS1 phonics workshop PP and links are on Green class page. We would love to receive

We have seen our Christian value of generosity being demonstrated by the actions of so many children. We also have a box inside the entrance if families wish to donate to the Bridgnorth foodbank. They are coming to do an assembly for the children on Tuesday 3rd March.

The EWO came this week and overall the attendance for the school is good at 96%. She does track children who’s attendance is below 92%. Please remember that if your child is absent from school, you should telephone the office by 9.00am with the reason for the absence. We must be informed each day if your child is absent for more then one day.

We had a really successful Year 5 parent lunch and they all enjoyed a delicious dinner!

Have a lovely half-term!

Message from the Head

This has been another successful week and in particular, our wonderful cooks have served up meals from different countries. We have had Italian, American, Swedish and British food. The children have really enjoyed the food and there will be one lucky winner from each key stage who will receive a prize for having all 5 dinners.

We sent a team to the sportshall athletics and both the boys and girl’s teams did very well.

Today,  we have had a very successful Health and Safety audit and it is good to go through all of our measures and know that we are taking the right precautions to keep our staff, pupils and parents safe. I must remind parents that the wooden play equipment is really designed for children over 5 and allowing younger children on it is entirely at parents’ own risk.

Next week – Blue class are going to be doing tag rugby in their PE lesson so children can bring old clothes suitable for PE and trainers as it could be muddy.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Superstars of the Week – 31st January

Blue  Gracie

Red  Charlotte       

Yellow  Mark                

Green  George


Mathematician of the Week

Poppy B (Red)

Reader of the Week

Ruby-Rose (Yellow)

Writer of the Week

Jayden (Green)

Scientist of the Week

Molly-Mae (Blue)


Reading Day

We have had an exciting day to launch our Bookfest and Reading Miles journey. We set out to inspire all our children with a pyjama day and lots of reading activities. Each class are taking part in their own ‘Bookfest’ and we have purchased new books, thanks to the PTA, to support this project. Children were so keen to read through their lunchtimes too! What a wonderful day! 

See below for the link to the PowerPoint shared at the reading workshop.

Reading Workshop spring 2020

Reading List year 5 and 6



year 3 book list

year 2 book list

Around the World Menu 27th – 31st Jan

Monday 27th January – A taste of Italy

Macaroni Cheese (with garlic bread) or Spaghetti Bolognese (with broccoli or carrots)

Followed by Zeppola (mini doughnut dressed with cream & topped with cherry)

Tuesday 28th January – A taste of France

French Bread Pizza (with a variety of toppings, french fries, peas or broccoli)

Followed by Chocolate Crepes

Wednesday 29th January – A taste of Sweden

Meatballs in a rich gravy or Quorn Balls in a tomato sauce (with mashed potatoes or rice, green beans or carrots)

Followed by Raspberry Cheesecake

Thursday 30th January – A taste of the United Kingdom

Big Breakfast or Vegetarian Breakfast

Followed by Shrewsbury Biscuits

Friday 31st January – A taste of America

Hot Dogs or Vegetarian Hot Dogs (with curly fries & beans or sweetcorn).

Followed by Blueberry Muffins





Contemporary and Street Dance

Thursdays 16th, 23rd and 30th January – 3.20-4.20pm – Years: Reception – Year 3

Enrol: Phone/Text – Richard Wheeler 07941 722980 and let the School Office Know

Attend one, two or all three sessions.

If your child enjoys the lessons you have the opportunity to enrol them

for the 2nd half term (Thursday 27th Feb – 2nd April) for £36.00.