School Menu Week Beginning 19th June

Please find attached the school menu for next week.  The cook’s roast of the day on Wednesday will be Pork.

There will be a special menu on Friday for Sports Day, which will replace the usual meal that day.  Please see attached.




Blue Snow Day homelearning

Home learning has been added to Classroom Secrets Kids.

Maths – There are some short arithmetic papers so that you can practise and support your fuency. You will need to do the calcuations on paper and then add the answers in the box – don’t try to do them all in your head!

English – Comprehension

Year 5 and 6 have two comprehension activities allocated on ClassRoom Secrets Kids: a video which has questions embedded and a separate Comprehension.

Stay safe in the snow.

Mrs Bernasconi

Spellings 30th January

Monday 30th January

LO; to spell words from the statutory Year 5/6 list


Spelling given last week (23rd January) which will be tested on Monday 30th January

LO: to spell words with endings which sound like /shuhl/
(Do we use cial or tial?)


A Christmas thank you!

Dear Red Class,

Thank you all so much for your extremely kind and generous gifts you have given us for Christmas! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. Thank you for all your hard work this term and we hope you have a good rest over the holidays. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th January when we return for the spring term.

Take care and hope Santa brings you everything you wish for!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning



Year 6 children had a fabulous day at the Pioneer Centre today enjoying a variety of activities: inflatables, abseiling and zip wire, high ropes and team building games. The  children are incredibly encouraging and supportive of each other, and were a pleasure to take out.
Many thanks to the PTA for this wonderful end of year 6 treat.

Red class trip

Hi all,

The children in Red are very pleased with their latest unit of work in English. They have written a non- chronological report on a sport. They drafted and edited the work themselves and wanted to bring it home to share with you. Not all children have completed the work so don’t worry if your child hasn’t brought one home. Please note that the work has not been checked or marked, we hope your child will enjoy sharing it with you.

On Thursday, the children had a super day finding out about seeds. Here are some of the amazing pictures.


Sound System

We are currently hoping to update the sound system in the school hall. However, this will not be until after the Year 5/6 play has been performed. Does anybody have a CD deck which would plug into the existing system and which we could borrow?

Mrs Bernasconi

Red class spellings for week beginning Monday 2nd May

This week’s words have the -cian suffix

Group 1- musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician

Group 2- musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician, technician

Group 3 -musician, politician, electrician, magician, mathematician, dietician, statistician, technician,

If the root word ends with ‘c’ or ‘cs’ use the -cian suffix: magic – magician

There are some activities to have a go at on this link

Welcome back!

It has been great to see the children back this week. Thank you for your patience with the start and end of the day procedures.

You should have received a newsletter and letter about the Jubilee via email today.

Gardening Club is open for children from Year 3 to Year 6. The title of the letter states these year groups but we noticed it says Year 5 and 6 in the main part!

Pictures of our superstars will appear next week. In the meantime, here are some of Yellow classes swimmers arriving back on Thursday! They had a great time!

Our theme for this half-term is friendship.

What’s happening next week?
Monday 2nd May – Bank holiday
Tuesday 3rd May – Science afternoon. Craft club
Wednesday 4th May – Dental survey for 5 year olds.PE for Red and Blue.
Thursday 5th May – Yellow class swimming. Forest School for Reception and Year 1
Friday 6th May – PE for Yellow, Red and Blue
Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Mother’s Day Worship ~ Thursday 24th March

Good morning,

This Sunday is a very special day- it is Mother’s Day, also known as Mothering Sunday. This is a day when we celebrate our mums and sometimes other ladies that look after us such as nans, aunties and perhaps step- mums.

I am sure we all have a special mum or another person who is like a mum to us in our life. Why is your mum so special to you?

Watch this video about special mum’s, and think about your own mum or special person.

How could we show our gratitude to our mums on Mother’s Day this Sunday? How will you show your mum just how grateful you are for all that she does for you?

Here is a Mother’s Day song for you to join in with this morning…

Mother’s Day Prayer.

Dear Lord,

Today we thank you for our mothers,

For the love and care they give,

Whose love is so precious it cannot be measured,

Whose patience seems to have no end.

May we be thankful for their love,

Today and always,
