Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 8th February was Safer Internet day. We are using different time in the week to promote awareness for our children.

Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe
and responsible use of technology, which calls on young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to join together in helping to create a better internet.

Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year.

Here are some links you might like to look at for further information.

This and more information is always available on the website if you search on the ‘Key info’ tab/  Protection / E-Safety


Tuesday 8th February – School Council assembly

Good morning everyone.

We want to improve the outside area and to do this we need your help! We need a school Council!

What is a school council?

A school council is a formal group of children who have been elected by other children in their school to represent them. They use their pupil voice to represent the views of the children within the school and to raise issues with their teachers at school council meetings.

A school council plays an important role within the school because they provide a way in which they can express your opinions and make a difference by suggesting a change or improvement.

Have a look a the Power Point which explains more.

If you wish to be on the school council, take one of the application forms at the end of the day and fill it in. The closing date for entries is Monday 14th February. Voting will take place by Wednesday 16th Feb. New school council will be announced on Thursday 17th February.

Here is a School Council song!



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Red Class Italian Experience

Ciao everyone!

We have had a great day in Red class and the children participated with such enthusiasm. Even some of the snacks were in the colours of the Italian flag!

The children decorated masks and learnt about the annual carnival held in Venice- Carnevale di Venezia.

We learnt some Italian greetings and numbers.

We will publish pictures from the food tasting later in the week.

Don’t forget it’s PE kit day tomorrow!

Buona Notte (Good Night!)




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Last week’s news

There was so much going on last week. Thank you for your donations for ‘Save the Children’ and we all enjoyed wearing the Christmas jumpers. Don’t forget children will need to wear them tomorrow for the Santa Dash!

Last Friday’s Superstars!

We also shared several children’s success and achievements from outside of school.

We had the first group of children to be awarded our new BEST certificates. They always follow the Claverley code and are well deserving of this award.