Red Class spellings for week beginning 29th November

This week’s words have the ‘ay’ sound. All of the words have either ey, eigh or ei in them.

Group 1 – prey, obey, weigh, neighbour, beige, sleigh

Group 2- obey, weigh, neighbour, eighth, neigh, beige, sleigh

Group 3 – prey, obey, eighth, weigh, neighbour, vein, beige, sleigh

Red Class spellings week beginning 15th November

The spellings this week add the prefixes in- and im-

Please ask your child to tell you which is the prefix (im- or in-) and which is the root word (e.g. correct)

Group 1 – incorrect, incredible, impossible, impatient, impolite

Group 2 -incorrect, incredible, indirect, impossible, impatient, impolite, imperfect

Group 3 -incorrect, incredible, indirect, independent, impossible, impatient, impolite, imperfect

Our learning this week

English/ D.T: Making bird feeders

Homework: This week I have set everyone one maths game on Purple Mash.

For English homework, I would like the children to start learning their words for the Christmas Play. They are very excited about this and have started learning the songs in school too!

Celebration Friday

There was so much to celebrate today after the first week back. Many of our children are certainly living their ‘BEST lives’. We are really pleased to hear all about their achievements outside of school too and we have some very talented children!

Every week, children are nominated as class Superstars for their outstanding achievements.

We recognise those who have achieved 25, 50 or 100 merits.

When Year 6 were at Arthog, they had the chance to obtain the John Muir Conservation Award. The main focus has been the removal of rubbish and especially plastic off the beaches. Well done Year 6!

Mrs Benson is going to be starting an Eco Club too.

Then we had the much awaited for announcement of the winners of the pumpkin carving competition. Thanks to Garry for judging them all!

Reception: Katie, Yr1: Hugo, Yr2: Abigail, Yr3: India, Yr4: Iris, Yr5: Drew and Yr6: Martha Wilson-Thiem. Overall winner – Nancy.

Today we celebrated a lot of extra news.

Firstly, we are all immensely proud of Hollie who has been competing in dressage competitions throughout the summer on a pony called Angus, along with her other team members and their ponies from The West Midlands dressage group. During these competitions they achieved enough points to be selected to go through to the regional finals held back in August. Hollie and her team went on to win the regional finals therefore qualified for the  national championship which was held last weekend.

Hollie and her team came 2nd at the national championships, competing at under 21 level. Hollie had the highest scores in her team across the whole weekend.
Hollie was also paired with professional dressage rider Natihalie Kayal riding her horse DHI Homerun, completing in dressage to music. Natihalie’s score that evening was added to Hollies score and together they came third place.
Well done Hollie!
We had two swimming awards to give out!

Maisie, Rosie and Poppy shared their success. They play for Bridgnorth Netball and had a great win over half-term. Please see the flyer below for details of the club.

What a fantastic week it has been!

Weekly update

Well done everyone, we have made to the end of half-term and managed to successfully take part in lots of activities. It was lovely to manage a parents’ evening and for you to be able to see your child’s teacher – something we have taken for granted in the past!

Sadly, the field will be out of action during this holiday. There is work going on in the school and on the field so the school grounds will be locked throughout the week.

What’s on week beginning 1st November?

The winners of the pumpkin competition to be announced this week. We have had some fabulous entries!

Poppies on sale in the mornings.

Monday – Back to school

Thursday- Football development festival for the team

Thursday – Yellow class parents’ evening

A few gardening club pictures to finish. They have been creating a few mini ponds for the wildlife!

Have a lovely week!

Red class – end of the half term

Bonjour Red class – you have been amazing this half term! You are a supportive class, full of hardworking and cheerful people. We hope that you have enjoyed all the learning this term.

Try to keep reading over the holiday and practise your tables. For lots of you, the Tops Marks Daily Ten might be worth using as you can set the time for each question. You can also do addition and subtraction on this game.

Some of the things we are learning about next half term:

History – British History

Science – Animals including humans –Food and nutrition, skeleton, muscles.

DT – Make insect homes/bird feeders

RE – How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?

French – Classroom objects, On the way to school, Months of the year, Christmas

PSHE – What keeps us safe?

On Friday PE, they will be doing football so children can bring boots and shin pads if they have them.

This group were so inspired by the rainforest topic and made up a little song and dance!

We hope you all have a lovely holiday!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-stokes


Climbing Wall- it’s back!

There was great excitement around the school when the climbing wall arrived! A few nerves kicked in as the tower got higher. Year 3 have been the first to have a go and they had a great time.
A few pictures as they got ready to take on the challenge. We will post more!

Off to Arthog!

A very excited, happy and a little nervous Year 6 arrived this morning! Every year, the bags appear bigger and heavier but all was loaded and they set off. With one final wave from parents, their journey began and we know they will have a brilliant time!