Off to Arthog!

A very excited, happy and a little nervous Year 6 arrived this morning! Every year, the bags appear bigger and heavier but all was loaded and they set off. With one final wave from parents, their journey began and we know they will have a brilliant time!



Weekly update

Year 3 and 4 enjoyed ‘Stepping Out’ this week. It is a programme designed to help children learn to cross the road safely. The trainer was delighted with the engagement and enthusiasm of the children. Thank you to the helpers too.

Year 4 had a great time at forest school as did Reception and Year 1. I think the reception children experienced true forest school in the rain! Some children attended sports ambassador training and have come back keen to create a competition for the younger ones. A group of children went off the the High Five netball festival and participated in games against other schools.

Well done to Olivia who is the winner of our logo design competition. We are going to have the picture put onto the website and it will be used to represent our mission ‘To encourage one another and build each other up to live our BEST lives’.

What’s happening next week – 4.10.21

The parents’ evening page will go live on 4.10.21 – hopefully you received the email bulletin with all the details.

Monday – Year 6 off to Arthog with Mrs Benson and Mrs Richardson

Forest School- Year 5

Tuesday – Netball tournament for the team

Wednesday – Bags2School – we have bags but you can always use black bin bags if you discover more to send in!

PE – Red ad Blue

Safer Schools meeting

Thursday -Space Centre trip -Year 5

Arthog climbing wall for Year 3 – please come dressed in PE kit/ or joggers, warm layers and a coat.

Friday – Climbing wall for Years 5 and 4 – please come dressed in PE kit/ or joggers, warm layers and a coat.

Have a good weekend and happy packing Year 6!



Our trip to Claverley church

Thank you to all of our parent helpers for supporting us on our walk to Claverley church yesterday. Without your support the trip would not have been able to go ahead. The children had a wonderful afternoon and the experience is extremely beneficial to their learning and development.

Mrs Edwards, Mrs Mottram and Mrs Summerfield

Our learning this week

Year 2 Forest School

R.E: Why is the story of Creation important to Christians?
We have thought about the wonders of nature and created collages of our favourite images.

Maths: Number and Place Value

Art: We learnt about the artist Frida Kahlo and were inspired to make clay monkeys.

Weekly update 10.09.21

Thank you for all your co-operation during the drop-off and collection times. We feel they have worked much better this week.

It was wonderful to see the return of the sports partnership X-Country. There are 3 events for KS2 and the first one was on Tuesday at Albrighton. It was a really hot evening but this didn’t deter our amazing runners! We had some great positions from 4th to 13th from year 5 and 6. We were really proud of them all.

We had a great science afternoon on Tuesday which gave all of the year groups a chance to get together for their learning. Shropshire Music Service are doing music with Green and Yellow this half-term. They were exploring dynamics of sound (the volume) and using claves to demonstrate this.

Thank you to the PTA

It has been difficult to maintain some of our fund raising events over the last 15 months but the PTA have continued to try and do scaled down events where they can. With your continued support, we now have another 10 IPads for use and this is a wonderful resource as we now have enough to use with whole classes and groups. Many thanks to those on the committee who have worked hard to organise the events.

Design a logo for our vision and code.

Our school vision is ‘to encourage one another and build each other up’ (1 Thessalonians 5:11) so that we live out or BEST lives.   We are asking the children to think about our vision and code and design a logo to represent it. Please see the letter. Paper copies have gone out tonight.


What’s happening next week 13.09.21?

Monday – Forest School for Year 2 (come to school in PE kit or dark joggers, T-shirt and sweatshirt. Children will need a change of footwear -trainers or wellies.

Tuesday – X-Country at Oldbury Wells. First race starts at 4.30pm. Meet Mrs Richardson there at 4pm.

Thursday – Arthog meeting for parents and Year 6 at 3.20pm in Blue class.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!




Hi Red class,

We wanted to thank you all for being a great class. You have tried hard over a really strange year of disrupted learning. Thank you for the lovely messages and gifts.

The summer holiday can feel like a long time so here are some ideas for things you can do if you find yourselves with a free day! Parents- a lot of the children found the unit on time very tricky. We find this is one skill that parents can really help with. They need to know both analogue and digital (12 and 24 hour clock times). It would be great if you could show them how many minutes past and the the next hour it is as you go through the day. Visuals box

Don’t forget to try and learn/remember as many as you can of the year 3/4 word list.


You could keep a holiday diary. You could add pictures and objects of interest as a reminder.

Here are some ideas for maths activites




Happy holidays everyone!

au revoir!

From Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes



Red class – The Iron Man by Zoe

We have been doing some amazing writing in Red class based on the Iron Man. The children have all written the most incredible sentences and we hope that their families have had chance to see the initial story which we worked on together.

Zoe has gone one step further and created a short film – enjoy!


Thank you Red class for being wonderful and a great class. We wish you all a very happy holiday.

From Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Young Cadets

It was with special thanks to PSO Oakley and Breese that the Year 6 children have taken part in the Young Cadets course. They have learnt more about the role of the police and some of the things they do. They learnt the phonetic alphabet, about forensics and anti-social behaviour.

On Friday, we held their ‘Passing Out’ parade in front of the whole school. They acted out their scenarios demonstrating the skills they had learnt and were then awarded their passing out certificates and badges by PCSOs Oakley and Breese and Police Officer Lightfoot.

Well done Year 6! Click the link to see them with their certificates.

Great day Year 6!

After much anticipation, the climbing wall arrived thanks to Arthog Outreach.

Year 6 arrived bubbling with excitement and a few nerves too! Once they had harnesses on, they were good to go and what a great time they had. They encouraged and supported each other and had a wonderful time.


They really encouraged Mrs Richardson too!