Welcome to a new half term – Monday 7th June

Good morning and welcome back to the 2nd half of the summer term. I hope that you have all enjoyed a great week off and the fabulous weather we had too.

Our new value for this half term is Trust. Our values are the principles which guide our thinking and behaviour so what will you learn from today?

See the source image

Look at the following power Point

Values Trustwolf’.

Click on the link for the story of ‘The boy who cried wolf’.


Listen to the song ‘I’ll be there for you’.



Year 5 Forest School

This week was the turn of Year 5 to go down to Forest School. With the weather we have had this half term, it is a good job they have been making shelters!

Red Class- Forest School

Last Monday was the turn of the second half of Red class to go down to Forest School. Luckily, they were all prepared because as soon as they left the classroom, it poured with rain! It didn’t dampen their spirits, they carried on and in true forest school fashion they got some themselves some shelter!

Despite the weather, they all came back saying what a great time it had been!

Tuesday Assembly – Finding out about Ramadan and Eid

Today we were lucky to have a virtual assembly delivered by the Muslim Learner Service. Imran made the assembly fun and enjoyable for everyone from Reception to Year 6. He talked to us about Ramadan and looking forward to Eid.

‘I now know about Ramadan and it was really good’ Logan.

’I like knowing about the importance of fasting’ Owen.

The assembly contained songs and lots of information and we really understood the significance of Ramadan. We hope everyone celebrating gets to share time with their loved ones and some delicious food!

Eid Mubarak



Monday 10th May – Worship

Prince of Peace

This week’s worship is on the Power Point and here you can open the links to the music. This is the music to listen to at the start of worship and it is from Clair de Lune by Debussy.


Here is the link to the last song on the Power Point – Be Still for the Presence of the Lord.


assembly 10 May

Narrated PP


Quick video clip of Christ the Redeemer


Tomorrow, we are having a special assembly where we have a guest speaker (Mr Kotwal) who is going to share all bout the special time of Ramadan and Eid with us.

NSPCC Rock Stars

Claverley goes rock! Who knew rock stars did so much maths! What a great day we’ve had. We shared the work of the NSPCC and how we had supported their great work by raising money. We did Buddy’s maths challenge and had a go at the Times Tables Rock Stars challenge. Thank you for the donations and all the wonderful costumes.

Here are some pictures from the day!


Happy Easter!

Well done Green class for making it to the end of the Spring Term.
We have had a lovely few weeks back together; take a look at some of our photos.

I hope you all get a well deserved break but try and go through your camera words or spellings and read a book everyday. Don’t forget you also have access to the following websites and can access any materials they offer:

Phonics Bloom

Purple Mash


Classroom Secrets Kids

After the break we will be starting our topic on space. You may want to find out some interesting facts or create a piece of artwork to share when we start the Summer term.

Our PE session will continue to be on a Tuesday morning and will be with Mrs Aguayo. Our forest school session will also continue on a Wednesday afternoon.


PTA-Thank you!


Thank you to our wonderful PTA who have organised Mother’s Day gifts for all who wanted them. They worked so hard to make sure it was safe and easy to hand out at the end of Friday.. Special thanks to Mrs Burr and Mrs Lowe for their hard work.

We hope you have a lovely weekend with your families and we are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.




Last Friday of Remote Learning

Hello everyone in Red class,

This is the last RE and French I am posting because next Friday, we will all be together.

Following on from Palm Sunday, what do you know about Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter. Christians remember it as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.

The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.


The name ‘Maundy‘ is derived from a latin word,

meaning a commandment. Jesus Christ, at the Last Supper, commanded:

And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.‘ John 13:34

People wore open sandals in Jesus’ time and feet would have been dirty and smelly due to the dusty roads. Would you let someone you loved deeply clean something really filthy? Why not? What would be the equivalent today? Why did Jesus wash their feet? What can we learn about serving others from Jesus’ example? What grotty jobs do we do to serve others – perhaps family members? How does it feel and why do we do it?

In England, the custom of washing feet by the Monarch was carried out until 1689. Up until then the King or Queen would wash the feet of the poor on Maundy Thursday in Westminster Abbey. Food and clothing were also handed out to the poor.

In Britain today, the Queen follows a very traditional role of giving Maundy Money to a group of pensioners. The tradition of the Sovereign giving money to the poor dates from the 13th century, from the reign of Edward I.

Watch the short clip on this page which shows the Queen giving out Maundy money.


Here is a sheet which you can fill in. The word ‘service’ is written down the side and you can use each letter to write a sentence about Maundy Thursday.

French – Bonjour!

Last week, you learnt to say the months of the year. This week, you will be learning to say the month your birthday is in. The lesson is from Oak Academy and I hope you enjoy following it.
