Friday 26th February – RE and French

Hello Friday learners,


Here is the introduction

Watch these clips all about Palm Sunday.

Complete this sheet

Palm Sunday

You could also make a decorated leaf or tree like they would have waved or a palm cross.


Palm Tree

Palm Cross


(Picture: Flickr)

French Friday

Today, you are going to learn the months of the year. There is a really nice lesson here on Oak Academy so watch it and learn all about them. There is a quick recap on numbers at the start too so I hope you remember them!

It would be great to see if you can write the months out in French.

Return to school on 8th March

We are really looking forward to seeing all of our children on Monday 8th March.

Following the announcement that schools will be open to all children, I thought it would be helpful to remind parents of some key information. The start and end of day times and procedures remain the same, but here is a reminder:-

Blue – Arrive: 8.45am  Depart: 3.10pm

Red – Arrive: 8.50am  Depart 3.15pm

Yellow –  Arrive: 8.55am  Depart 3.05pm

Green  – Arrive 9.00am Depart 3.00pm

  • Please arrive and depart promptly.
  • Please ensure you maintain 2m distancing at the start and end of the day – this is so important to keep the class ‘bubbles’ apart. If there happened to be a positive case of Covid19 within school, and the class ‘bubbles’ were not kept apart, then this could lead to school closure – which we do not want to happen.
  • Children should only be collected by members of their own family/household or support bubble.
  • If you are going to be late collecting, please notify the school.
  • Illness / Self Isolating
  • Please keep children at home if they are ill.
  • If your child is displaying any coronavirus type symptoms, then they need to stay at home and be booked for a coronavirus test.
  • Inform the school if your child is self-isolating. Please make it clear whether this is because they are a primary contact of someone who has tested positive, or if they have symptoms and are therefore going for a test.
  • Let the school know when the test is booked.
  • As soon as the results of a test are known please inform the school via email: (out of hours) or a phone call (in hours). This is really important.
  • Ensure the school has an accurate email address, as if children are well enough, they will be expected to follow our Remote Learning Policy


Due to the need for prompt arrivals and departures, as well as social distancing, we kindly remind parents that they ring or email the school with any queries.  Please email

Uniform and Belongings

  • Children are expected to wear school uniform and shoes. We do encourage them to bring extra layers (fleece) to put on as the classrooms need to be well ventilated at all times and can get very chilly.
  • Children can come to school in PE uniform all day on PE days (class teachers will remind you of these days)
  • Children must bring in minimal belongings, so just a packed lunch (if required) and water bottle, waterproof coat and reading book, all in ONE bag please.
  • Children must bring a coat as we will be getting outside to give the rooms chance to ventilate. They can also bring a change of shoes/wellies to go on the field at break/lunchtimes and these can be in a separate bag.
  • Children must have long hair tied up for school and clean hands and nails when they arrive.

Thank you so much for all your support throughout the last 8 weeks.  We know that school is still going to be operating in a Covid secure way rather than normal, and we look forward to your continued patience and understanding so that we can keep school as normal as possible for the children, whilst also ensuring it is as safe as possible for all of our school community.

Happy Wednesday – keep up with the perseverance!

Good morning

We are really looking forward to seeing you all again on the 8th March. In the meantime, keep going and trying to be the best you can be!

Listen to the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’

Did you enjoy the story?  Poor old Gerald – how do you think he felt when the other animals in the jungle laughed at him? …..sad, upset, hurt, embarrassed….  Have you ever felt like this?  I know I have at times – I think everybody has at times – and it isn’t nice is it?  It can cause you to lose confidence in yourself and make you feel like you don’t want to give things a go.

And that’s where having a positive attitude is so important – as we are going to come up with problems and difficulties all through our life, so we need to learn how to handle them.  Having a positive attitude will certainly help – it certainly helped Gerald the Giraffe – as he didn’t stop believing in himself, he listened to the wise little cricket, and he persevered!  He finally showed the jungle animals that giraffes certainly can dance!

So as we go through this week, when we might be finding things difficult – we might be missing our friends, or struggling with the remote learning – try and think like Gerald, and think positive thoughts.

I have added this picture by Charlie Mackesy as it seems very appropriate at the moment.

Listen to the Growth Mindset song – I Have A Go

Dear God,

We thank you that you have made us stronger than we think.

We thank you that we are able to do and achieve far more than we think,

because you have made us in your image.

Thank you that you have promised us your help and wisdom and strength,

whenever we need it.


Monday 22nd February – Welcome back!

To our wonderful children and families,

I hope that you had a good half term break and have been able to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather!

Hopefully, we will hear the news today which will outline the return to school for all children. We are certainly looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you.

In the meantime, you are going to need to start this new half term with perseverance. This means keep going and keep trying hard with a positive attitude. What can you learn from watching this clip?

When you start your learning again today, just remember that you can do it and all of your teachers are here to help you. Don’t forget if you are in years 3, 4, 5 and 6, there is the OWS reporter competition and your clip must be submitted by Friday. Have a look at the page again if you need to remind yourselves.

Have a listen to Bruno Mars singing about not giving up – Don’t Give Up (Sesame Street)

Have a good day.

Dear God,
Thank you that you are with us in every circumstance or situation.
You know how different and unexpected the last few months have been.
As we look ahead to the coming weeks, help us to remember that you are with us, and you hold the future in your hands.

Friday 29th January

I can’t believe that it’s Friday again! I have created another video clip for this week’s RE. I hope it helps!

Here is the sheet to work on or create your own! You could draw around your own hand or record your promises some other way.

My Promises

French Friday

This week, we are looking at body parts. Have a look at this clip. We keep pausing it in class to repeat the words.

See how many words you can remember by labelling the sheet.

Labelling body parts

You can also use these matching cards. See how quickly you can put them together.

Body parts matching game