Yellow Class Home Learning Week Beg: 4.1.21

You may like to start with a Supermovers routine! We have been using these in school to keep active as we learn and there is a great variety of topics covered.

Maths: Revise dividing by 2 with these worksheets.

Dividing by 2

Revise finding odd and even numbers

Odd and even numbers

Work through these reasoning and problem solving exercises, they become more challenging as you progress so you may like to be selective.


If you have time this week, try to work on learning your times tables. You all have logins for Times Table Rockstars but the following link is also great as you can print out your own worksheets and there are options for you to choose the times tables and the number of questions.

English: Listen to the story of Otto the Book Bear. The author then shows you how she illustrates her character so you might like to have a go at this too!

Can you retell the story of Otto in your own words? You might like to plan this out in picture form first so that you make a story map but this is up to you!

In class this week, we will also be focusing on words ending with ‘est’ and ‘ture’

Have a go at the following worksheet.



How are sounds made?


Homework for 9.12.20

This week, I have set a short maths game for each year group on Purple Mash. Click on the alerts when you log in and you will see the activity for you. If you have time, you may also enjoy trying some of the Christmas activities on Purple Mash too!

Homework for 1.12.20

Thank you to everyone that has had a go at the homework this week set on Classroom Secrets Kids. I know from the emails received on Saturday and Sunday that this has not been successful for all. Apologies for this. Please don’t worry if you have not been able to access this due to poor internet connection etc. We are still working hard as a staff to find the best way to set homework in a  format that works for all our learners. Your feedback on this is welcomed. The children are working so hard, I would hate for anyone to feel discouraged. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Homework 27.11.20

For homework, I have set some Maths and English activities on Classroom Secrets Kids. Please try to have a go at them by Tuesday 1st December.

Year 2 English: Phonics games

Year 2 Maths: Multiplication/ 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Year 3 English: Punctuating direct speech

Year 3 Maths: Multiplication/ 3 times table

No homework this week!

Well done for taking part in our homework trial on Classroom Secrets Kids!
It has been decided that we will not be setting homework this week as the children have worked extra hard to complete some assessments.
Continue to work on your reading and spelling and remember that you can use Times Tables Rockstars. You may also enjoy some of the Diwali activities on Purple Mash.

Remote Learning for Week Beg: 16.11.20

English: Read the story of ‘Rama and Sita’.

Try to sequence the pictures and then retell the story in your own words.


rama and sita sequencing cards

rama and sita storyboard

Revise the four sentence types: statements, questions, commands and exclamations.

Watch the video clip on espresso.

Have a go at the following worksheets.


Maths: Revise recognising coins and notes. Have a go at adding together any coins that you have at home. Can you find different ways of making the same amount?

Try the following White Rose Maths sheets.

Add money worksheets

Add money answers

subtract money

subtract money answers

give change worksheet

give change answers

Learning about Diwali

Watch this video clip on espresso

Try some of the Diwali activities on Purple Mash

Spelling: See the spelling section for Yellow Class to see the words for this week.

Maths Homework Trial

As a school, we will be setting Maths homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. I have assigned two maths tasks for each year group and these should be visible when your child logs in. We are only able to set tasks for the whole year group so some children may find the activities challenging as they are a ‘best fit’ based upon the work we have been doing in class. Please don’t worry, I will be able to see how they have got on and then provide the appropriate support or challenge.

I will be sticking the logins in the back of their reading diaries today as a reminder.

Thank you Yellow Class

I just want to thank our wonderful children for all your hard work during this extraordinary school year. You have been a great class and it has been a huge privilege to be your teacher. Thank you too to all our parents and carers for your kindness. You have embraced the challenges of home learning brilliantly and I have really appreciated your support. Thank you all so much!

Continuing to hear your child read during the summer holidays and encouraging them to practise their counting and times tables will really benefit the children as they move year groups. You will still be able to use sites such as Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars during the break. I am adding links to some useful sites below and some activity booklets too for those that find them useful.

Year 2 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 2 Summer Maths Activities

Year 3 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 3 Summer Maths Booklet

English for Week Beg: 13.7.20

This week, many of you will be joining us for some lessons in school so please don’t worry if this does not leave you much time for your home learning. I am posting some English and Maths that you can dip in and out of!

The English this week is based upon the poem ‘ The Quangle Wangle’s Hat’ by Edward Lear.

Talk for Writing Booklet