Home Learning for 9.3.23

Good Morning!

I hope that you will be able to get outside today and enjoy this unusually snowy weather. Use your senses to explore the world around you. We are learning about weather in Geography so please have a think about how you would describe the weather and try to find out what the temperature is where you live. If you are able to listen to or watch a weather forecast today, that would be really useful. Can you name the four countries that make up the U.K? Can you name some of the major cities? What weather symbols do you see? What do they mean? How do people use the weather forecast to help them in their jobs and in their everyday lives?


We have been revising reading and writing instructions. Today, you could try to follow some written instructions to make a craft, make something to eat or play a game. You might also try writing your own set of instructions. These could be for making a person or creature out of snow, getting dressed for a cold, snowy day or making something that you would like to eat. I am also including a BBC Bitesize Lesson for you to join in with.



Please try to spend 10 minutes today on either Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars. The login details are in the inside of your reading diaries. We have been looking at measuring length. If possible, try estimating and then measuring the lengths of five objects in your home in cm/m. This could be with a ruler or a tape measure.

You can also work through this 10 minute lesson on Oak Academy about measuring curved and straight lines.


Additional Tasks

Remember to read your reading books, learn your spellings and practise the poem that you are learning to recite. Some of the children in Year 2 will also have their Purple Mash Homework to complete.

I hope that you have a nice day. I am available on email if there is anything that I can help you with. The children are welcome to bring in any work they complete or any snowy day pictures to share when they return to school.

Thank you as always for your continued support with our learning.

Read Write Inc Handwriting Phrases and Practise Sheets

The children in Reception and Year 1 practise handwriting as part of our daily Read Write Inc phonics sessions. We hope that you find this copy of the ‘Read Write Inc Letter Formation Phrases’ helpful if your child wishes to practise their handwriting at home. If you notice your child finding it tricky to recall how to form some of their letters or are, for example, forming letters back to front, remind them of these phrases to help them with the correct formation.

Read Write Inc Handwritring Phrases


Below are links to a practise sheet for each sound for more guidance and practise:

m  rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_m.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

a rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_a.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

s rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_s.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

d rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_d.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

t rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_t.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

i rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_i.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

n rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_n.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

p rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_p.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

g rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_g.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

o rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_o.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

c rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_c.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

k rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_k.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

u rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_u.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

b rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_b.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

f rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_f.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

e rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_e.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

l rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_l.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

h rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_h.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

r rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_r.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

j rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_j.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

v rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_v.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

y rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_y.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

w rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_w.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

z rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_z.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

x rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_x.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

Special Friends (sounds written with two letters)

sh rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_sh.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

th rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_th.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

ch rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_ch.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

qu rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_qu.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

ng rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_ng.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

nk rwi_RPhO_SSPS_Set1_nk.pdf (oxfordowl.co.uk)

ck (see above for phrases for ‘c’ and ‘k’)

Year 1 Home Learning Activities

Mrs Edwards is starting to send home a weekly list of Number Activities that Year 1 can complete at home. I will share a copy each week for the Year 1s in Yellow. These activities can be completed at anytime if you feel that your child would enjoy some practical maths activities. They are part of the Number Sense Programme which is used in school outside of our maths lessons. It is designed to provide the structure and depth to number fact teaching that children need to achieve fluency.

Stage 1 Book 1 Subitising 1-5

Homework for Yellow Class Autumn Term


Every child should read to an adult for at least 10 minutes a day. This can be split up into 2  x 5  minute sessions if necessary. Talking about the books read is also important as is having the opportunity to be read to by an adult or older sibling.




Year 2 children will continue to receive a list of words to learn every Friday. I will also post the words each week on the Yellow Spelling Page. The children will then be tested on the following Friday. Year 1 children will start to receive and be tested on spellings in the same way from tomorrow (30.9.22).



Each child has been given a login for Numbots/ Times Table Rockstars. This can be found on the inside cover of your child’s reading diary. Numbots is suitable for all and is designed to help children to become fluent in mental addition and subtraction. It can be played at any time on a range of devices. Information is available on the site. We will be starting to introduce the children to this at school too. Times Table Rockstars is suitable for children from Year 2 and tests the children on their times tables and the corresponding division facts. Year 2 children are expected to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the year.



In addition to having access to these sites, Year 2 children will also be set weekly maths homework on Purple Mash after half-term. I will provide login details and further information about this once it is set up.

The following links are also useful.




Home Learning for 16.3.22

English: Vocabulary work


Describing how a character is feeling


Maths: Unit fractions


unit fractions

Art: We will be drawing faces in charcoal. You might like to draw or paint a picture of someone that you know. You could work form real life or from a photograph.

History: What was life like in Ancient Egypt?



Home Learning for 15.3.22

English: Using conjunctions


Explore the features of a persuasive letter.


Maths: Recognising a third

Watch the following video clip and complete the worksheets if possible.

I am also adding some tasks about recognising thirds to Purple Mash.


recognising a third

Science: Which materials are absorbent?


As it is British Science Week, you might like to design an entry for the poster competition.





Home Learning for 14.3.22

English: We have been reading ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ in class and will be using the text to inspire some letter writing this week. Oak Academy have some lessons based upon the book so I am adding the first two for you below.



Maths: Recognising quarters


Recognising a fraction

Additional problems

recognising a quarter

In R.E, we have been learning about Palm Sunday.

You might enjoy the following link.


Remember that your spellings are in the spelling section of the website.

You also have your TT Rockstars login details in your reading diaries and I have set the tables for you.