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Protected: Home Learning for Year 3

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Homework 3.12.21

This week, I have set everyone 2 Maths 2Dos on Purple Mash to help the children to practise the times tables that we are currently learning in class. This will be the final homework for this half-term so I have set it to stay open until the 17th December to give everyone more flexibility. Thank you to everyone for supporting the children in completing their homework this half-term. Merry Christmas!

Homework for 1.12.21

Well done everyone for working so hard to complete your homework on Purple Mash and for starting to learn your words for the Christmas Play !

This week, we have continued to learn about multiplication.

Maths Homework: I have set everyone a multiplication 2Do on Purple Mash.

English Homework: Please continue to learn your words for the Christmas Play. If you already know them, work on saying them in a loud, clear voice without rushing!

Homework for 17.11.21

Maths: I have set everyone a 2Do on Purple Mash (login details are stuck in your reading diaries).

English: Start to learn your words for the Christmas Play.

Purple Mash Homework

From today, all classes will be setting English and Maths tasks on Purple Mash. We have stuck the login details for this website in the front of the reading diaries. If your child did not have their diary in school, we have sent the details home in a brown envelope. When your child logs in to Purple Mash, they will see an icon of an alarm bell at the top of the page. If they click on this, it will take them to their tasks. I have set everyone one English game and one Maths game to try. I have shown the games to the children today and have also told them not to panic if they can not get them to work or if they get something wrong. Just have a go! Tasks will be set on Fridays and should be completed by the following Wednesday. We will give it a go this week and see how we get on. Thank you in advance for your support.

Summer Holiday Ideas

English: Keeping a holiday diary is a great way to work on your writing. You could also try making a scrapbook with captions or writing postcards if you are lucky enough to be going away.

You may like to join in with the following reading challenge. Details will also be available from Bridgnorth Library.

Maths: Summer is the perfect time to learn your times tables. Children are expected to know their 2x, 5x and 10x by the end of Year 2 with some children also learning their 3x. By the end of Year 3, children should know their 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x. Below are some useful websites.

White Rose Maths have some free booklets to print out for all year groups.

Remember that you still have access to Purple Mash and Classroom Secrets Kids.

You might also enjoy the following.

Euro Projects

Each child has drawn out the name of a country that are playing in the Euro competition. They should produce something about this country that can be shared with the class. Here are some examples: Make a model of a famous landmark from the country, make the flag, create a poster/leaflet, paint or draw a famous place from the country. The possibilities are endless! All projects need to be completed and sent in to school by Friday 9th July. We will then have a celebration and share our work. If your child forgets their country or needs help with ideas, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Easter Activities

English: Try keeping a holiday diary or journal. You could draw a picture or add a photo each day and then write a few sentences to go with it. You are welcome to share these when we return to school if you wish. Letter writing is also great, think of someone that you can’t see this holiday that would love to receive a letter in the post.

Maths: We have been learning all about fractions. If you are lucky enough to have an Easter Egg Hunt at home, estimate how many eggs you have found before counting them. You could make a tally chart of the different colour wrappers. When you have  your total, see if you can find one half, one quarter, two quarters, three quarters or a third.

Here is a very short workbook that you may enjoy, especially if it rains!

Fractions Workbook

Please remember that you still have free access to the following websites.

Purple Mash: There are lots of lovely Easter activities on here.

Times Table Rockstars/ Numbots

Classroom Secrets Kids

We will be continuing to learn about Ancient Greece after Easter. The other day we found this game that the children were keen to try at home.

This site is great if you wish to print off some times table sheets to do. Again, a great rainy day activity! You can choose the times tables and the number of questions.



Protected: Home Learning for Monday 1st March

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