Take Care Tuesday (2nd February) – Mental Health Week Assembly

Here is the link for the live assembly for Mental Health week. You need to scroll down the page to click on it. It’s quite long so there are ideas for when to pause it and have a discussion.


Have some off-screen time this afternoon and do some baking/cooking? What will you do today?

Monday 1st February – Musical Monday

Today is the start of mental health week- wear something to reflect your personality! Come to the Teams meetings or school in something you like to wear!

Why not treat today as Musical Monday and dance together. Here is a song your parents will know too – so you can have fun dancing as a family!


A message from the Duchess of Cambridge


The mental health assembly

Express Yourself – Primary Assembly

Children’s Mental Health Week

Well done everyone for continuing to work so hard this week! You are brilliant and I have loved seeing your fantastic work and meeting up with you on Teams. Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme is ‘Express Yourself’. On Monday, we will be having a ‘Dress to Express Yourself’ day in school. Yellow Class home learners are welcome to join in with this on Tuesday for our Teams meeting if they wish. I have added some useful resources below and will also be including some well-being ideas in our timetable for the week.

Well-being activity ideas for families.


Well-being challenge

Wellbeing challenge booklet

Nature activities


At the moment, I am continuing to work on finding the best way to balance teaching full-time in school with supporting our amazing home learners. Thank you so much for your patience with this. I will always try to respond to emails as quickly as possible. This week I will be offering the following Teams meetings.

Tuesday 9.30am: Whole Class Well-being meeting ( A chance to check in with everyone, celebrate our achievements and discuss the learning for the week).

Wednesday 1.30pm: Year 2 Maths lesson on Statistics for anyone that is struggling with the learning this week and would like some extra input.

Wednesday 2.15pm: Year 3 Maths lesson on Statistics for anyone that is struggling with the learning this week and would like some extra input.

If you would like your child to attend one of the Maths sessions on Teams, please let me know by 6pm on Tuesday so that I can set up the meetings.

If your child would benefit from a phone call or a short individual Teams meeting, let me know and I will try my best to arrange this after school.

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Pinches


Mental Health Week


This week is children’s mental health week and the theme is ‘Express Yourself’. So, take the time to do some things you enjoy like: painting, listening to music, dancing, craft activities, cooking, riding your bike or anything else that you really enjoy. You can send me a picture and I will create a display for when you all return to school.

Here are a few things you might also like to do:

Listen to the story ‘Sadsville’ read by Basil Brush.


There are a few more ideas here

Things to do

Things you can do to relax

mindful moment

9 things to say to your anxious child

You might like to watch this story again ‘While We Can’t Hug’.


Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield is an uplifting story of hope, perfect for anxious small children who need a ray of joy in their bedtime stories and you can listen to the story here


Some of our children love learning about animals and it can be relaxing watching them! Take a look and see what goes on at Chester Zoo


Take some time to enjoy being together.

Bedford Borough Council: Mental Health Awareness Week

Young Voices

I know lots of you have missed practising the songs going  to Young Voices this year. However, there is a Young Voices at Home  which is live every Thursday at 11:00am. Sadly, we are unable to do this at school as singing is not allowed but why not practise the songs at home?

Young Voices at Home

Home Learning for next week

Well done everyone for working so hard this week! Thank you for your lovely emails and for sharing your work with us.I am posting the remote learning today so that you may look at it before Monday if this is useful. In English this week, the children will be focusing on writing description. There is a lesson from Oak Academy for each day and the children will listen and respond to a story called ‘How Coyote brought fire to the Earth’. In Maths, both year groups will be learning about money. Year 2 will use the lessons from Oak Academy and Year 3 will use the White Rose materials. If your child requires extra material or finds it easier to work offline, I am adding some work books below that can be printed off.

Year 2 Money Workbook

Year 3 Money Workbook

Have a great weekend!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches


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PE with Mr Jew and the East Shropshire Team

Here is the link for the PE lessons that Mr Jew and his team have put together. They are doing them each week and you will be able to see them all if you subscribe. Here is the link to them – enjoy! You can send in your pictures too!


Worship- Tuesday 19th January

Yesterday, we learnt about Martin Luther King Jn and how he had a dream to change the future. He wanted everybody to be treated equally and fairly. Today, I would like you to think about yourself and how special you are. What makes you unique and special? What makes you different to your friends? Is it your hair colour or your height? Is it the number of brothers and sisters? Your family structure?

Now think about what makes us all different?

We are all humans, people with feelings, hopes and dreams of our own. Watch this video about a happy dancing sheep who is full of beans and the love of life until things change. What messages can you learn from the story?


This video always makes me smile and some of you might have seen it before. The sheep learnt an important lesson thanks to the jackaloupe- what do you think the lesson was? There might be more than one!

I think the sheep learnt that it didn’t matter what he looked like. By dancing and being happy, he brought joy and happiness to his friends. he jackaloupe taught him to be proud of who he was and to be positive in this world of ups and downs.

Have a quiet think about times when you have felt down, sad or lost your confidence. What could you do to help you to ‘bounce back’ and put a smile on your face?

Dear God

Thank you for all the different skills and talents that you have given us.

Help us to make the best use of our skills and be determined to think that we can do good things

Help us to be the best person that we can be
