
Yellow Class love reading and it is brilliant to hear all about the books you are enjoying at home.

Here are some websites that you might like and some lists of book recommendations.

This is a new virtual school library where every week a popular children’s author or illustrator will provide free books, exclusive videos and recommended reading.

This BBC site has a set of short videos where presenters share their favourite books.–ks2-bringing-books-to-life/zvg4xyc

Year 2 Reading lessons on BBC Bitesize

Year 3 Reading Lessons on BBC Bitesize

Reading recommendations

Year 2 Twinkl Book List

Year 3 Twinkl Book List


Monday 18th January – Martin Luther King Jn. Day in the United States of America

Good morning everyone.

During this pandemic, we know it is important that everyone works together and does their part so that we can look forward to life getting back to normal and you can all come back to school.

Today, you will be learning about a time in American history when people were not able be together merely due to the colour of their skin.

Look at the Power Point to find out about a man called Martin Luther King Jn and how he tried to change things for the better. In order to understand what was happening,  when you get to the slide with the picture of an eye you could say, if you told all the children with blue eyes that they could go out to play, would that be fair? Why not?


Martin Luther King Day



Here is a video clip which Red and Blue class might like to watch. The first video clip is the one to watch.

Children might like to think about their own hopes and dreams for the future. You can talk about them or draw them on this sheet.

Martin Luther King dream cloud activity sheet

Dear God

Thank you for our wonderful school community where everyone is special and valued.

Help us to treat each other as equals and with kindness and respect

Help us to look after each other especially our families while we are spending more time at home

May we all work together to be the best that we can




Happy Friday!

Well done everyone for all your hard work this week!

I have put your home learning for next week on the homework page so that it is ready when you are! Please feel free to email me if there is anything that I can help you with. We will have another whole class Teams meeting on Tuesday at 9.30am as it is a great way to check in with everyone and see your brilliant smiles! I am happy to hold additional Teams meetings, maybe with smaller groups if this would be helpful. Just let me know. Alternatively, I am happy to arrange a phone call if this would be easier. Take care, have a lovely weekend. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Forest School

From next week, Forest School will now be on Wednesday afternoons for children attending school. Please ensure that you have your kit in school including waterproofs. Thank you.

Teams Meeting

Thank you so much for joining our Teams meeting this morning. Almost everyone managed to join and we loved seeing your smiling faces! It was great to be able to say hi and check that you are all keeping well. Well done everyone! We will meet again next Tuesday at 9.30am.

Protected: Tuesday 12th January

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Monday 11th January

Hello Home Learners!

In English today you will be learning some facts about an animal. If you would like to learn more, try the following link for the World Wildlife Fund page.

The word tigers starts with a t and ends with an s. Can you think of any other words that start with a t and end with an s. Try writing them down. You could challenge your family to join in too! Here are a few to get you started: televisions, tomatoes, trombones.

Remote Learning for Week Beg: 11.1.21

I am posting the learning for next week today so that you have time to look ahead if this is helpful. This is in the Yellow Class Homework Section and I will also email it as a bulletin. I will be teaching the same content in school on the same days so that it will be easy to see where we are up to if your child is only attending school on certain days. Hope this makes sense! I will set spellings on Monday as usual and these will be in the Yellow Class Spelling Section. During the week, if there are any updates, examples of work or anything else that I think will be useful, I will post them in the Yellow Class News Section and also email them.

Many thanks, Miss Pinches

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Coming Soon!

Good Morning Home Learners! Thank you so much for your incredible patience and understanding this week .You have been amazing! I will be recording a message for you tonight and setting your work for next week. I will post this tomorrow so that parents can have a look at it before Monday if they wish. I am adding a geography lesson for today if you have time but please don’t worry, it can be kept for another day if you still have tasks to complete. Have a lovely day! Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Geography lesson: What is the Earth made of?