Coming up this week!

English: We will be reading John Patrick Norman McHennessy by John Burningham and Dear Teacher by Amy Husband. We will use our imaginations to think of excuses for why we might be late for school! We will look at how letters are set out and write letters to our teacher explaining the adventures we have been on whilst we were trying to get to school on time!

Maths: Year 2- Multiplication.                                                                          Making and adding equal groups

Writing multiplication sentences using the X symbol

2 X table, 5 X table and 10 X table.                                                             

Year 3-Multiplication/Division                                                                                      Multiplying by and dividing by three

Using the 3 times table when solving problems. 

Science: Learning about evaporation. What happens to a puddle once it stops raining?

Please see Mrs Derrer’s post about wearing school uniform tomorrow for photos and bringing trainers for Dance.

Diwali crafts


School photos – Monday 23rd November

Red Class –  children can come to school in their school uniform on Monday 23rd for their individual photo. They will need to wear their PE kit on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Yellow Class – children can come to school wearing their uniform but will need suitable footwear for a dance session e.g. trainers.

Learning about Diwali

We have really enjoyed learning more about the festival of Diwali.
What a wonderful day!

Coming up this week!

This promises to be another busy and exciting week with our ‘Diwali Day’ on Thursday and lots of activities planned for Anti-Bullying Week.

English: Sequencing, acting out and retelling the story of Rama and Sita.

Maths: Comparing different amounts of money, finding totals and finding the difference.

Anti-Bullying Week: See the link below for the Parents/Carers pack.

What to wear this week!

Monday: P.E kit

Tuesday: School uniform

Wednesday: School uniform and odd socks

Thursday: Own clothes-bright colours if possible for our Diwali Day

Friday: P.E kit

Anti-Bullying Week – 16th – 20th November

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is: United Against Bullying. Anti-Bullying Week will happen from Monday 16th – Friday 20th November and it will be the focus in school.

Odd Socks Day

We are going to ask the children to come to school in odd socks on Wednesday 18th November this year. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

Our model planes

We have completed our model planes today as part of our work about World War Two. The children are extremely proud of their efforts and we hope that you will enjoy these photos.

Remembrance Service by Garry

Sadly, Garry has not been able to join us in person to deliver his Remembrance Service but we are pleased that he has provided us with his virtual worship.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Coming up next week!

English: We will be planning and writing our own versions of ‘Use your imagination’ by Nicola O’Byrne with an emphasis on writing dialogue. We will also be writing detailed descriptions of the villains in our stories.

Maths: Recognising coins and notes, counting money and finding different ways to make the same amount. Year 3 will also look at converting pounds and pence.

Science: How can we make ice melt more quickly? Our mission is to rescue some play figures stuck in the ice! We will also be kick-starting our unit about solids, liquids and gases with some explosive experiments!

Also this week, P.E on Monday and Friday. Please bring a pair of trainers on Friday if your ‘happy footwear’ for Children in Need is not suitable for running around in.