Important News!

We have got to the end of the most unusual first week back. Thank you so much to everyone for your support especially with the staggered start and end to the day. We have tried to reduce the waiting times for some of our families by allowing siblings in if a long wait would cause more congestion. Your prompt arrivals and collections are much appreciated.

I am sure there will have been some teething problems experienced by some this week and I am hoping that things will feel better as the weeks go on and the routines become easier.

We have had a great week with all the children in although they looked exhausted this afternoon!


  1. PE days – the children are to come to school in their PE kit on their PE days to avoid changing. It is expected that they come in a school T.Shirt or a plain one of the same colour and their school jumper. They must wear school or plain black joggers. We are happy for them to wear their school shorts under their joggers if you know your child will be hot during the session. Some have been asking about leggings and we do not encourage them but accept that if they have PE on several days, they might have to wear them but they should not be ones with bright stripes down the sides. We would prefer joggers where possible.


Blue – Tuesday and Thursday

Red – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Yellow – Wednesday and Friday

Green- Monday and Friday

Miss Pullinger has asked if all children in Green can wear joggers on a Wednesday too for Forest School.

2. Coats– please do send your child with a coat as we are getting as much fresh air as possible and do stay outside if it is drizzling!

3. We were delighted to be able to serve hot dinners again and hope you feel this has gone well. The kitchen team have worked hard to accommodate all the children and ensure that the hygiene measures have been meticulously followed.

4. Reading Books – We have started with some assessments this week to see where the children are and what support they need. We anticipate books going home next week.

Green class will be sending books home on a Wednesday to be returned the following Monday and Yellow class will be following a similar pattern.

Children in Red and Blue class can bring a book from home if they have one they really enjoy. We will be giving books to them next week.

5. Clubs – we are aiming to start them back up in the next couple of weeks. You should have received some information today. More on this next week.

We struggled to get our virtual celebration assembly to work today but WELL DONE to all our children – you have been amazing!

Please be aware that I am teaching in Red class on a Friday and if any urgent information is required, you will need to email the office. I have had a great day with Red but it has been very busy!

Thanks again!

Have a good weekend everyone.




Returning to School

Dear All,

We are really looking forward to seeing you next week. We have worked very hard to put a lot of measures in place to ensure a safe return to a new normal. I am sending a few reminders as I know you would rather be clear about expectations in advance.

I know that some of you will take this week to get organised so don’t forget that you can send your child with a small bottle of hand sanitiser and packet of tissues with their name on it. It is so important that all clothes is named please.

A reminder that jewellery is not to be worn in school and if your child wears stud ear-rings, you will need to provide tape to cover them for PE or remove them on PE days.

Children will come to school on their PE days in PE kit and can wear blue school joggers or plain black joggers with school PE kit on top. PE will start in the second week back (from Monday 7th September). You might wish to purchase some of the black pumps which can stay in school for changing into if trainers get muddy. PE days will be shared next week.

Blue class only can bring a small pencil case and all stationary will be supplied. Other classes should not bring pencil cases to school – again all stationary will be supplied.

Children must bring a named water bottle which should not contain squash unless there is a medical reason we should be aware of. A reminder that we are a nut free school and we do have a child starting with a severe nut allergy so please do not send any foods containing nuts. Morning snacks should not be chocolate or crisps.

Please remember that we are serving hot meals and the options are on the website in the school news section. There will be a vegetarian option added.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday and we will see you all soon!

J. Derrer



Happy Birthday Mark!

Wishing our lovely friend Mark a wonderful birthday. Have a great day!

Best Wishes from Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Thank you Yellow Class

I just want to thank our wonderful children for all your hard work during this extraordinary school year. You have been a great class and it has been a huge privilege to be your teacher. Thank you too to all our parents and carers for your kindness. You have embraced the challenges of home learning brilliantly and I have really appreciated your support. Thank you all so much!

Continuing to hear your child read during the summer holidays and encouraging them to practise their counting and times tables will really benefit the children as they move year groups. You will still be able to use sites such as Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars during the break. I am adding links to some useful sites below and some activity booklets too for those that find them useful.

Year 2 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 2 Summer Maths Activities

Year 3 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 3 Summer Maths Booklet

Happy Birthday Alfie!

Wishing our lovely friend Alfie a wonderful birthday!

Have a great day!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Happy Birthday Sid!

Wishing our lovely friend Sid a very happy birthday. Hope you have a lovely day! Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Purple Mash

As the weeks pass, we know lots of you are finding home learning harder. It is also  more difficult for us to be sure we are providing the right level of work for you when it is so long since we have seen many of you. We have been reviewing the different technological approaches to home learning used by schools around the county and different parts of the country. We have also listened to feedback from the families within our own school community. Access to devices, internet connection and printers varies from family to family and school to school; however, we would like to increase the opportunities for our Claverley children to interact with their school community.

Purple mash should provide a way for the children to communicate and share photos, voice messages and videos safely. Individual usernames and passwords have been sent out. It will continue to be useful in the new school year even if (as we hope) we are all together in school once more.

I have made a short screen-cast video to provide a short introduction to using Purple Mash. Enjoy!




Mrs Bernasconi

Happy Birthday Jack!

Wishing our lovely friend Jack a very happy birthday. Hope you have a great day. Best Wishes from Miss Pinches and Yellow Class