Spellings for 1.2.21

Group A: best, test, nest, rest

Here are some flash cards for you to use.

final blend st flash cards

Group B: helpful, harmful, careful, fearful, useful, watchful, painful, hopeful

Group C: thoughtful, colourful, doubtful, spiteful, delightful, wonderful, thankful, cheerful

Groups B and C may find this BBC Bitesize lesson on adding the suffixes -ly and -ful useful.


Spellings for 25.1.21

Groups A and B will look at making words plural.  We did some work on this last week with Oak Academy but you may find the following lesson from BBC Bitesize useful too.


Group A: cars, jars, parks, stars

Group B: buses, watches, dishes, boxes, foxes, brushes, torches, wishes

Group C will continue to work on adding er and est. You may like to watch the following video from Oak Academy.


Group C: thinner, thinnest, bigger, biggest, healthier, healthiest, tastier, tastiest, earlier, earliest

Spellings for 18.1.21

Group A: all, tall, call, small

Can you think of any other words that end in all?

Try writing out each word using a different colour for each letter.

Group B: nature, picture, adventure, vulture, mixture, greatest, tallest, newest, oldest

Can you think of any other words that end in -ture or -est?

Group C: adventure, picture, fracture, puncture, greatest, brightest, largest, finest

Can you think of any other words that end in -ture or -est?


No new spellings!

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard to learn your spellings this term!

I will not be setting new spellings until after Christmas but you might like to brush up on any that you have found tricky!

I am also including in this post the common exception words that the children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4.

Year 1 Common exception words

Year 2 Common exception words

Year 3 and Year 4 Common exception words

Spellings for 30.11.20

Group A: are, they, said, people

Group B: Christmas, knife, knee, knobbly, knight, knew, know, knit

Group C:chef, brochure, parachute, machine, Christmas, reindeer, creature, picture

Spellings for 23.11.20

Group A: blue, true, glue, clue

Group B: city, race, ice, cycle, circle, once, pencil, fancy

Group C: young, touch, blood, trouble, country, does, eight, sleigh

Spellings for 16.11.20

Group A: to, they, played, playing

Group B: to, too, two, gem, giraffe , gerbil, giant, job

Group C: irresponsible, responsible, irregular, regular, immature, impossible, impatient, impolite 

Spellings for 9.11.20

Group A: ice, rice, nice, city

Group B: parents, money, half, again, because, water, people, busy

Group C: treasure, pleasure, measure, closure, enclosure, incredible, inactive, incapable

Half-term Spellings

I will not be setting new spellings for the holiday but feel free to look back and practise any that you found tricky! Keeping a diary is a great way of working on your writing, even if you just write a line or two a day.
Happy holidays! Miss Pinches

Spellings for 19.10.20

Group A: out, about, loud, cloud

Group B: most, only, both, cold, gold, hold, told, old

Group C: great, grate, eight, ate, weight, wait, break, brake