Spellings for 12.5.23

Year 1: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen

Year 2: can’t, don’t, didn’t, want, watch, know, change, child

Spellings for 5.5.23

Year 1: very, happy, funny, party, family, cloudy

Year 2: word, work, worked, world, worse, worst, because, parents

Spellings for 28.4.23

Year 1: friend, school, full, house, our, once

Year 2: circle, little, middle, call, talk, war, warm, towards

Spellings for 31.3.23

Year 1: seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

Year 2: station, fiction, section, direction, fraction, education, could, would

Spellings for 24.3.23

Year 1: is, his, there, where, here

Year 2: cries, flies, babies, replies, jellies, ladies, school, because

Spellings for 10.3.23

Year 1: has, you, your, they, says

Year 2 : pure, sure, measure, pleasure, treasure, leisure, when, where

Apologies, I have put the wrong date on the Year 2’s paper copies!


Spellings for 17.2.23

Year 1: are, were, was, said, of

Year 2; wrap, wrote, wrong, wrestler, wrist, wreck, wriggle, garden

Spellings for 6.2.23

Year 1: taller, tallest, slower, slowest, smaller, smallest

Year 2: donkey, monkey, chimney, honey, money, alley, key, valley

Spellings for 3.2.23

Year 1: by, my, come, some, today

Year 2: bigger, biggest, taller, tallest, brighter, brightest, nicer, nicest