Spellings for 7.10.22

Year 1: off, miss, if, us, bus, puff

Year 2: kind, mind, behind, find, climb, wild, school, whole

Year 2 Spellings for 23.9.22

see, sea, blue, blew, flour, flower, hole, whole

Year 2 Spellings for 16.9.22

said, they, one, once, house, school, our, was

Spellings for 8.7.22

Group A: experience, favourite, famous, guard, guide, imagine, height, library

Group B: animal, hospital, pencil, table, apple, bubble, muddle, trouble

Group C: could, would, should, because, find, kind, mind, behind


Spellings for 1.7.22

Group A: actual, actually, accident, accidently, business, caught, taught, brought

Group B: quite, quiet, hear, here, sure, sugar, darkness, stillness

Group C: are, our, one, once, want, went, you, your

Spellings for 24.6.22

Group A: young, trouble, double, country, enough, encourage, cousin, courage

Group B: see, sea, blue, blew, flour, flower, thunder, thinking

Group C: where, were, why, when, what, will, how, do

Spellings for 17.6.22

This week, most groups will be revising some of the words that they should already know how to spell. These may be words that we have had before or words with a spelling pattern that we have previously looked at.

Group A: first, third, true, rescue, few, taught, caught, lighthouse

Group B: could, called, last, people, nothing, none, other, brother

Group C: rock, friend, buzz, dress, school, box, brush, pitch

Spellings for 27.5.22

Group A: woman, wonder, mother, brother, discover, govern, government, another

Group B: capital, medical, magical, hospital, local, total, pencil, fossil

Group C: unwell, unkind, untidy, unlock, undo, unload, unfair, unhappy

Spellings for 20.5.22

Group A: regular, regularly, natural, naturally, eight, eighth, eighty, believe

Group B: kindness, fairness, enjoyment, movement, statement, animal, metal, pedal

Group C: more, score, before, shore, explore, restore, carnivore, omnivore