Shropshire Star ‘First Class’ Supplement Reception and Year 1 Children

Reception and Year 1 Children 

We are delighted to be taking part in the Shropshire Star’s ‘First Class’ supplement.  On Tuesday, the children in Reception and Year 1 will be given letters of consent to have their photograph taken as part of a group/class. If you would like your child to appear in the class photograph in the Shropshire Star newspaper, please could you return the letters of consent as soon as possible, no later than Thursday 9th November to meet the submission deadline.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Yellow Class Forest School

We look forward to continuing with Forest School sessions in Autumn term.

Please see below when your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions:

Yellow Class Forest School: 

Tuesday 7th November 

Tuesday 21st November 

Tuesday 5th December

Children are welcome to come to school in their school jumper with blue or black jogging bottoms on the days they are taking part in Forest School sessions.

Please could children bring gloves, hats and an extra layer (if needed). They are welcome to keep these in school with their puddle suits and wellies in a labelled carrier bag.

Thank you for your continued support.


On Thursday 9th November 2023, children in Green Class and Yellow Class are invited to wear their own colourful clothes to school in celebration of the upcoming festival, Diwali. The brighter the better! Children will spend the day taking part in themed activities in celebration to extend their knowledge.

Many thanks for your ongoing support. 

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Back to school.

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

P.E for Year 2

Wednesday: New homework will be set for Year 2

Thursday: Diwali Day (A day to learn about the festival of Diwali.)

Wear own clothes-something colourful.

Friday: New spellings will be set for Year 2

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Our Trip to Wolverhampton Art Gallery- leaving just after 9.15am.

Please wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch if you have not ordered one from school. Please bring a coat.

Tuesday: P.E for all, no Forest School today.

Wednesday: Usual Timetable

Thursday: Spelling Test

P.T.A Pumpkin Patch

Year 2 Spellings for 26.10.23

Year 2: air, fair, pair, stairs, care, share, square, spare

Apologies, I will send paper copies home on Monday.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Usual Timetable

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School/ Year 2 P.E

Year 2 Homework due on Purple Mash.

Parents’ Evening

Wednesday: New Year 2 homework will be set on Purple Mash.

Parents’ Evening

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Spelling Test for Year 2/ New Spellings set.