Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Usual Timetable

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

P.E for Year 2

Flu Nasal Spray

Wednesday: Homework will be set for Year 2 on Purple Mash

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Year 2 Spelling Tests/ New Spellings will be set

Year 2 Spellings for 22.9.23

see, sea, be, bee, key, monkey, donkey, money

Our Learning This Week

It has been a busy week in Yellow class with lots of brilliant learning taking place.

In English, we have been reading The Suitcase by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros, Rabbityness by Jo Empson and The Visitor by Anje Damm. The stories are all on the theme of feelings and the children have enjoyed comparing them. In our writing, we have been busy writing invitations and have thought of questions to ask some of the characters that we have met.

In Maths, we have been learning about Place Value. Year 1 have been investigating numbers to twenty, matching the numerals with the number words and also representing numbers in different ways using counters. Year 2 have been looking at numbers to 100, representing the numbers using Base Ten equipment (Tens and Ones) and learning to use number words as well as numerals.

Forest School

We look forward to continuing with Forest School sessions in our Autumn term.

Reception and Year 1 children will continue to take part in their own Forest School sessions on alternate weeks.

Please see below when your child will be taking part in Forest School sessions:

Year 1 children 

Tuesday 19th September 

Tuesday 3rd October 

Tuesday 17th October 

Children are welcome to come to school in their school jumper or PE hooded school sweatshirt with blue or black jogging bottoms on the days they are taking part in Forest School sessions.

Please make sure your child has a full waterproof and a pair of wellies in school to ensure they are fully equipped for their first session.

Thank you for your continued support.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Normal timetable

TuesdayP.E (Come to school in your kit please.)

No Forest School for Year 1 today.

Wednesday: Homework will be set for Year 2 on Purple Mash.

I will stick the login details inside the reading diaries. This work will be due to be completed by the following Tuesday.

ThursdayP.E (Come to school in your kit please.)

Friday: Year 2 will be given some spellings to learn for the following Friday. The children will bring home a paper copy and these words will also be posted on the website in the Yellow Spelling Section.

Please feel free to email me if you have any queries.

Welcome to Yellow Class!

P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half-term and children should come to school in P.E kit on these days.

Year 1 children will have Forest School on alternate Tuesday afternoons (details to follow).

Our learning this half-term (Autumn 1st)

English: Fiction- Stories on the theme of feelings

Non-Fiction-Commands and Requests

Poetry- Poems about Our Senses

Maths: Place Value/ Addition and Subtraction/ Multiplication

Science: Animals including humans

History: Changes within living memory:
How has communication changed over time?

Art: – Printing/ Block Printing, Lino Printing and String Printing.

Artists studied: Orla Kiely, William Morris, Andy Warhol (Link to Communications Topic)

R.E: What do Christians learn from the Creation story?

Music: Pulse and Rhythm- Musical Me!

Computing: Programming

P.S.H.E: Family and Friendships

P.E: Ball Skills/ Dance


Thank you Yellow Class for all your hard work this year. You have been a joy to teach. Thank you to all your families for their fantastic support this year. Wishing you all a wonderful summer. Mrs Richardson, Mrs Glendenning and I would also like to thank you for our lovely gifts and cards.

Our Learning This Week

In Art, we created some beautiful cherry blossom paintings.

In Geography, we learnt about what schools are like in Japan. The children practised bowing when the teacher enters the room and carried out an earthquake drill.

In English, we have been writing haikus.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Final Year 2 Homework due on Purple Mash.

Wednesday: Usual timetable

Thursday: Usual timetable

Friday: P.E

No spelling tests

Summer Fair