Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Purple Mash Homework for Year 2 due today please.

Wednesday: No new homework this week.

Thursday: Usual Timetable

Friday: P.E

Spelling test/ No new spellings this week.

Our Learning This Week

Yellow Class have continued to work hard this week. The children in Year 2 have completed their SATs assessments and have all impressed me with their attitude and the progress that they have demonstrated in English and Maths. In English, we have been writing letters in role. Each child has imagined that they witnessed the First Aeroplane Flight and are writing to a friend telling them all about it. In Maths, we are starting to learn about telling the time.

Spellings for 26.5.23

Year 1: more, score, before, shore, explore, restore

Year 2: other, mother, brother, nothing, none, Monday, money, many

Coming Up This Week!


Monday: Class Photos (School Uniform please) No need for P.E kit.

Tuesday: Year 2 Homework on Purple Mash to be completed by today please.

No Forest School for Year 1.

Wednesday: New Homework will be set for Year 2.

Thursday: Usual Timetable

Friday: P.E

Spelling Tests/ New spellings will be set.


Coming Up This Week!

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Year 2 Purple Mash homework due in today please.

Wednesday: New Homework for Year 2 will be set on Purple Mash.

Thursday: Usual Timetable

Friday: P.E

Spelling tests/ New Spellings will be set.

Spellings for 12.5.23

Year 1: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen

Year 2: can’t, don’t, didn’t, want, watch, know, change, child

Coming Up This Week!

Tuesday: Year 2 Purple Mash Homework to be completed by today please.


Wednesday: New Year 2 homework will be set.

Thursday: Usual Timetable

Friday: Coronation Tea Party and Games

Please wear red, white or blue, or party clothes. Children will need their trainers as we will be doing sports on the field as part of our celebrations.

Spelling Test/ New Spellings will be set.

Spellings for 5.5.23

Year 1: very, happy, funny, party, family, cloudy

Year 2: word, work, worked, world, worse, worst, because, parents

Our Learning This Week

In English, we finished our information texts about tigers before researching an animal ourselves. We used the knowledge we had gained to plan and write an information text about our chosen animal. The results are brilliant, well done everyone!

In Maths, we have continued to learn about fractions and we will do some further work on this next week too.

In History, we have learnt about the Wright brothers and the invention of the first aeroplane.