Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Online Safety Meeting for Parents at 6pm

Wednesday: New Purple Mash homework for Year 2 will be set ready for tomorrow.

Thursday: Usual Timetable

Friday: P.E

Spelling tests/ New spellings will be set

Spellings for 28.4.23

Year 1: friend, school, full, house, our, once

Year 2: circle, little, middle, call, talk, war, warm, towards

Our Learning This Week

Welcome back everyone!

I have updated our class information page with our topics for this half-term. The children have all received new spellings today for the test next Friday and Year 2 homework has been set on Purple Mash.
In English this week, we have been researching tigers. We have then planned and started writing an information text all about them.

In Maths this week, we have been learning about fractions. We have been recognising and finding half of a shape or a quantity. Next week, we will be looking at quarters and the Year 2s will also look at finding thirds.

D.T: Making a sliding mechanism. P.E: Using a racket.


Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E (Cricket)

Closing Date for entries to the decorated egg competition.

Tuesday: No Forest School for Year 1

Poetry Finals (Children in the finals have received letters with the details.)

Wednesday: No New Homework Today

Thursday: Year 1 Multi-skills Festival

Friday: Easter Church Service


Spelling Test

Our Learning This Week

It was lovely to see everyone for Parents’ Evenings this week. The children are continuing to work really hard as we start to prepare for Easter.

In R.E, we have been learning about why Easter is important to Christians.

Today, we acted out the story of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem for the Passover Festival.

Spellings for 31.3.23

Year 1: seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

Year 2: station, fiction, section, direction, fraction, education, could, would

Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E (Cricket)

The children will recite their poems to the class.

Tuesday: Forest School  for Year 1. 

Year 2 Purple Mash Homework should be completed by today.

Parents’ Evening

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework will be set.

Parents’ Evening

Thursday: Second Round of the Poetry Competition.

Friday: P.E (Gymnastics)

Spelling Tests/ New Spellings will be set.


Our Learning This Week

It has been another busy week in Yellow. We have celebrated British Science Week by playing ‘The Masked Scientist’ and learning about some famous inventors from the past and present. We are currently finishing our entries for the official competition and will let you know how we get on.

In English, we have been writing instructions for catching an imaginary creature. We have been inspired by the book ‘Shh’, We Have  A Plan!’ by Chris Haughton. In Maths, we have been learning to measure temperature and mass.

Science-Growing Cress

Art- Painting with watercolours to create a new exhibition for our class art gallery.