Shropshire Star

Dear Parents and Carers,

This is a polite reminder that a photographer from the ‘Shropshire Star’ newspaper will be joining us to capture the children’s ‘TEACHREX’ experience on Monday 18th March 2024. Photographs will be included as part of a feature in the newspaper.

Please be rest assured that children who do not have consent to appear on the school website will respectfully not be included in any of the photographer’s photographs and therefore, will not feature in the newspaper.

Please could we ask that you speak to a member of staff if you DO NOT wish for your child to be included in any individual/small group/large group photograph that could potentially be used as part of the feature in the newspaper. Otherwise, it will be assumed that you give your full consent for your child to have their photograph taken and to appear in the newspaper.

We are sure that a number of photographs will be taken throughout the morning, so we will not know ourselves which photos will be ultimately be selected to appear in the newspaper and which children will feature.

Many thanks for your continued support


Laura Aguayo


Our Learning This Week!

Well done to everyone for working so hard to learn your poems for the Poetry Competition and for reciting them to us with such confidence!

Year 2 have been given new spellings today and have maths homework set on Purple Mash. Please try to have a go at this before Wednesday.

Yellow have produced some lovely work this week.

Here are some photos from our Science lesson.


Year 2 Spellings for 15.3.24

appear, clear, nearest, hearing. disappear, nearby, teardrop, fearful

Our Learning This Week!

Wow! What a busy week!

Please remember that Year 2 have new homework set on Purple Mash and new spellings to learn. Everyone needs to be ready to recite their poem to the class on Monday. This will be a very relaxed activity similar to Show and Tell.

Our Learning This Week

Year 2 have been given a new set of spellings to learn today. They are making a great effort to learn them, well done everyone! Year 2 also have homework on Purple Mash to be completed by Tuesday please.