
We have really missed celebrating Harvest at the church this year but are going to focus on it next week. It won’t be the same without our usual lively service! Each class is going to do something to celebrate and put on the website and Garry is sending us a special assembly that we can share.

We would like donations of tins or packets for the Bridgnorth Foodbank. These can be dropped off on Thursday 15th or Friday 16th – boxes will be put outside the entrance area. 

You might want to listen to the Harvest Samba!




Today, we have been thinking about kindness and the meaning of ‘kind’ and ‘kindness’. We have been thinking about making people feel happier by being kind, helpful, joyful and patient.


Dear God,

Thank you that we can be kind to one another.

Thank you for the teachers and our families who teach us why we need to be kind.

Thank you, God, for the kindness and love that you show us.

Please help us to forgive our friends for any fallings-out.

Please help us always to give people a second chance.

Please help us to say sorry and start again.



Weekly Update

This week in English, we are completing our unit on information texts. The children have been busy planning some writing about their own imaginary creature and today we have worked on turning our notes into sentences. Tomorrow, we will begin writing our reports using the structure that we used last week.

In R.E yesterday, we listened to ‘What a wonderful world’ sung by Louis Armstrong while we watched some beautiful footage by David Attenborough. We were then inspired by the work of Sir David and that of Greta Thunberg when we expressed our ideas for helping the planet.

In maths this week, we are adding and subtracting tens and for Year 3, hundreds. We are also using our knowledge of number lines to 10 and 20 to help us to estimate the position of multiples of ten on number lines to 100.

In Art today, we have learnt about the African-American artist Alma Thomas and have produced our own paintings using similar techniques.

A quick note about Times Table Rock Stars: This program tests the children up to 12x the number and also includes the related division facts so some children may find this a bit challenging at the moment. BBC Super Movers has some nice resources for helping the children learn their tables and times tables.me.uk has online and printable resources too.
We are having a lovely week so far, can’t believe it’s already Tuesday!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or I can be of any assistance.

Spellings for 12.10.20

Group A: cow, how, now, went

Group B: door, floor, poor, because, find, mind, kind, behind

Group C: eight, eighty, eighteen, straight, weight, vein, veil, reign

Maths Games Subscription

Just a quick reminder that all the children have their own username and password for Times Table Rocks Stars and for Numbots. They should use the same one for both.

Both games are available as apps. It’s a great, fun and productive way to fill those times when waiting for other family members to complete their sports club session or other activities. Learn at your own pace, earn points or compete against a friend.



Science Investigation

Today we have designed and carried out an investigation to find out if colour influences what we like to eat and drink. We looked at 5 mystery drinks and voted for our favourite based upon the colour. Next, we tasted the drinks and voted again based upon the taste. The coloured drinks were natural fruit and vegetable juices and the clear liquid was water.

Happy Tuesday!

A super week so far! This afternoon, we have used oil pastels in art to produce some work inspired by Robert Delaunay.


Spellings for 5.10.20

Group A: head, bread, dead, said

Group B: blue, blew, flour, flower, whole, hole, bear, bare

Group C: dislike, disobey, disagree, disappoint, undo, unzip, unhappy, untidy


Thank you so much for all the plastic bottles! We will put them aside for a week and then start making our planes. How exciting!
This week in English, we will be continuing to look at information texts. The children are helping me to choose an unusual pet, a pet dragon! We have watched a news clip of a possible dragon sighting and then I have shared a text about the very rare Bridgnorth Ridge-Back. We have used a text map to help us and hopefully this will inspire some brilliant writing about our own dragons. In Maths, we will be looking at addition and revising our number bonds.

Another successful week!

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard this week! In History, we have been learning about the evacuation of children during WW2 which was really interesting. As part of this topic we would love to make some model planes so if anyone has an empty plastic water bottle that they could clean and send in, we would really appreciate it. Our Science investigation yielded some fascinating results. Some of the coins had been turned to a very pale colour, which shows how important it is to brush our teeth! Please see below for some photos from our P.E lessons. Have a great weekend. Best wishes, Miss Pinches