Happy Birthday Alfie!

Wishing our lovely friend Alfie a wonderful birthday!

Have a great day!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Spellings for week beg: 13.7.20

Group A: chief, thief, field, more, score, before

Group B: enjoyment, enjoyed, played, playful, worked, working, walked, walking

Group C: vein, weight, weigh, eight, neighbour, obey, opposite, possible

Happy Birthday Sid!

Wishing our lovely friend Sid a very happy birthday. Hope you have a lovely day! Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

English for Week Beg: 6.7.20

Watch the following clip called ‘Catch it!’ and complete the activities in the booklets below.


I have included both the KS1 and KS2 booklets as you might like to select some activities from each.

Catch It KS1 Activity Pack

Catch It KS2 Activity Pack

For those of you that enjoy a research project, I am also including a research sheet about vultures.

Vulture Research Sheet

You might enjoy this clip too!


Purple Mash

As the weeks pass, we know lots of you are finding home learning harder. It is also  more difficult for us to be sure we are providing the right level of work for you when it is so long since we have seen many of you. We have been reviewing the different technological approaches to home learning used by schools around the county and different parts of the country. We have also listened to feedback from the families within our own school community. Access to devices, internet connection and printers varies from family to family and school to school; however, we would like to increase the opportunities for our Claverley children to interact with their school community.

Purple mash should provide a way for the children to communicate and share photos, voice messages and videos safely. Individual usernames and passwords have been sent out. It will continue to be useful in the new school year even if (as we hope) we are all together in school once more.

I have made a short screen-cast video to provide a short introduction to using Purple Mash. Enjoy!




Mrs Bernasconi

Spellings for 6.7.20

Group A: friend, name, came, house, home

Group B: lighter, sadder, happier, smoother, stronger, leader, dancer, stranger

Group C: quarter, question, regular, remember, sentence, special, straight, strange

English for Week Beg: 29.6.20

This week we will be using the ‘Talk for Writing’ Booklet on Superheroes.


Start by reading or listening to the story ‘Playground Rescue’.


Print the booklet out and work through it at your own pace or use the following schedule.

Monday: Read the story and try pages 5, 6 and 7.

Tuesday: Try pages 8 and 9.

Wednesday: Try pages 10 and 11 and use pages 12 and 13 if you would like to try the craft project.

Thursday: Try pages 14 and 15.

Friday; Try page 16.