Hello Home Learners!

I hope that you are all keeping well and persevering with your home learning even though this is probably difficult at times. You are doing really well and I am always happy to receive your e-mails and phone calls. I have seen some wonderful examples of your work this week and have also been keeping an eye on your Times Table Rock Stars scores. If any of you would like me to change the times tables you are set, please let me know as I can easily alter these. Have a great week. Missing you loads and thinking of you fondly. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Maths for Week Beg: 15.6.20

This week Year 2 will be learning about shape. These lessons link with BBC Bitesize so you may also like to use some of these materials too.


Year 2 Lesson 1


Year 2 Lesson 1 Worksheets



Year 2 Lesson 2


Year 2 Lesson 2 Worksheets



Year 2 Lesson 3


Lesson 3 Worksheets



Year 2 Lesson 4


Lesson 4 Worksheets



Year 3 will be learning about adding lengths and finding the perimeter of a shape.

Year 3 Lesson 1


Lesson 1 Worksheets

Lesson 1 – Add lengths

Lesson 1 Answers – Add lengths

Year 3 Lesson 2


Lesson 2 Worksheets

Lesson 2 – Subtract lengths

Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract lengths 2019

Year 3 Lesson 3


Lesson 3 Worksheets

Lesson 3 – Measure perimeter

Lesson 3 Answers – Measure perimeter

Year 3 Lesson 4


Lesson 4 Worksheets

Lesson 4 – Calculate perimeter

Lesson 4 Answers – Calculate perimeter





Computing skills without a computer

Problem solving and Computational Thinking

Barefoot Computing has some lovely activities including dance moves, hand jives, pizza making, story sequencing and code breaking which will build the thinking skills behind the computing curriculum. There are a range of activities for 4 to 11 year olds.

Learning together activities

Theses are fun and creative activities, to help you guide your child through fundamental parts of the computing curriculum without the need for screen time. They include everything you need to get started with activity sheets and accompanying materials.

There also Mini Missions to complete
