Happy Birthday Hollie!

Wishing our lovely friend Hollie a lovely birthday. Have a great day!

Love and best wishes from Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Spellings for Week Beg: 15.6.20

Group A: wild, child, children, path, bath

Group B: whole, clothes, people, pavement, equipment, excitement, payment, enjoyment

Group C: unique, antique, mosque, cheque, technique, tongue, league, vague

Week beginning 8.6.20

Hello Home Learners, I hope that you are all keeping well. I have just posted our learning for this week. Although, I am now teaching Year 1 instead of our key worker group, you are still my class too and I am always here for you. Please feel free to e-mail me, share your work and ask me to phone you if you would like to speak in person.

Missing you all. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

World Oceans Day

Monday 8th June is World Oceans Day.

Learn all about it by watching this short video.


This is another great link.


Here are some activities that you might enjoy.

The Five Oceans Labelling Map Activity Sheet

Oceans and Continents Cut and Stick Activity

World Oceans Day Acrostic Poem

World Oceans Day Word Search

Here is a PowerPoint for you to look at if you would like to learn more.

World Oceans Day


Maths for Week Beg: 8.6.20

This week Year 2 will be learning about using money and Year 3 will be learning about measuring.

Year 2 Lesson 1

Apologies, I am aware that this lesson was not included in my original post.


Year 2 Lesson1new

Year 2 Lesson 1 answers

Year 2 Lesson 2

Year 2 Lesson 2


Year 2 Lesson 2 answers

Year 2 Lesson 3

Year 2 Lesson 3


Year 2 Lesson 3 answers

Year 2 Lesson 4

Year 2 Lesson 4


Year 2 Lesson 4 answers

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1


Year 3 Lesson 1 answers

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2


Year 3 Lesson 2 answers

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3


Year 3 Lesson 3 answers

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4


Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

To All our Home Learners

Hi to all our home learning children (some of you might need your parents to read this to you!),

I just wanted to update you on this week and say that we haven’t forgotten you! As part of the government guidance, some children have come back to school. We have had to make lots of plans ready including making sure that there is enough space between the tables and giving everyone their own resources. We have had to use a strict ‘keep left’ policy for the corridors too.

So, I think we have all experienced lots of different emotions this week. I expect you have had lots of different feelings while working and being at home too. We often talk about our feelings in school so I wonder if you might want to use this video and tell someone at home how you are feeling at home.


I am feeling happy that we have have a good week in school and have seen a few of our children. I am also a bit sad that we haven’t started the second part of the summer term seeing all of you. We know that keeping safe is the most important thing we can all do and that this plan is best for now. Keep going with your home learning!

I have also seen this song (Just Sing!) which some of you might like to learn too!


A prayer to share

Dear God,

Thank you for all the feelings we have and that it is good to talk to others about them.

It is fine to feel sad or scared sometimes

And it’s great to feel happy when we can.

Please help us control our bad feelings and not let them take over us.




Ideas for other subjects

Well done Yellow Class for continuing to work so hard!

Here are some additional ideas for you.

Year 2 Science Learning about animal groups


Year 2 Science Habitats


Year 3 Science Light


Year 3 French: Revise greetings and numbers. Year 2 may like to try this too.



Spellings for 8.6.20

Group A: any, many, ever, every, everybody

Group B: any, many, people, friend, cousin, parent, except, example

Group C: plane, plain, grown, groan, calendar, thought, brought, although