Shropshire Star Class Photo

We are delighted that the Reception and Year 1 children’s photograph featured as part of the Shropshire Star’s ‘School Class Photo’ supplement as promised on Wednesday 9th November 2022.

Well done Reception and Year 1. You all look very smart in your school uniform.

Purple Mash Homework!

Thank you to everyone for completing or attempting to complete the Purple Mash Homework. Apologies to those of you that were not able to access it, we are hoping that the problem has been fixed now. I will set new Purple Mash Homework tomorrow and this will be due by the following Tuesday to keep us in line with Red and Blue Classes. Your child will need to use the login details in their reading diary. I will also send home a letter tomorrow with the details on too. Thank you for your patience as we get the system up and running.

Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: School Photos- Come to school in your school uniform.

Year 1: Bring your P.E kit.

Year 2: Bring your old jogging bottoms, waterproofs and wellies for Forest School.

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Wednesday: D.T- We will be making fruit kebabs. If your child has allergies and you would feel more comfortable sending in your own fruit, please feel free to do so.

Thursday: New Homework for Year 2 will be set on Purple Mash.

Friday: P.E kit.

Spelling test/ New spellings will be set.

In Computing this week, the children were learning about algorithms. They used dressing up clothes to explore the importance of giving instructions in the correct order.

Class Update

Welcome back everyone!
Year 2 attended a brilliant Multi-Skills Festival in Bridgnorth yesterday.

I have set Year 2 Maths Homework on Purple Mash today. Please try to complete by Monday. The usernames and passwords are in the front of your child’s reading diary. If there are any issues, please don’t panic! Let me know and I will help sort them out.

Advance Notice

Year 2 will have a Forest School afternoon on Monday 7th November. It is school photo day so we will be asking the children to come in their school uniform and bring a pair of old jogging bottoms plus waterproofs and wellies with them. (Some of the children already have their wellies in school.)

Shropshire Star First Day at School

Before half term Mrs Aguayo was made aware of a supplement that would be coming out in the Shropshire Star newspaper showcasing photos of the first day back at school from classes across the county.

We submitted our photograph and have now been informed that the supplement will be coming out in the Shropshire Star on Wednesday 9th November.



Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Back to school. Poppy Appeal at school begins.

No P.E today. School Uniform.

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School (Children are invited to wear their witch or wizard hats again for another Room on the Broom themed session.)

Year 2 Multi-skills Festival (P.E Kit)

Wednesday: Homework will be set on Purple Mash for Year 2

Thursday: School Uniform

Friday: P.E

New Spellings will be set/ No Test this week!

Happy Half-Term!

Wishing you all a lovely half-term break. Well done for working so hard!

There are no spellings this week, we will start again after the break.

See you on Monday 31st October.



Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1. This session will be based upon the Julia Donaldson book ‘Room On The Broom’ so Mrs Aguayo has invited the children to wear a witch’s or wizard’s hat or some cat ears if they wish. This is optional.

Wednesday: We will be learning about Diwali today as this year, the festival falls during half-term.  If you or anyone in your family celebrates this festival, we would love to see any photos, cards, special objects etc.

Thursday: P.T.A Pumpkin Patch

Spelling tests

Our Learning This Week

Thank you to everyone for attending our Parents’ Evenings this week, it was lovely to have an opportunity to see you all in person.

The children have been as busy as ever this week with lots of fantastic learning taking place.
In English, we have produced our own versions of ‘The Magic Paintbrush’.

In Maths, we have been learning to add and subtract tens and ones from different numbers.

In Science, we continued to investigate using our senses.

In Art, we were inspired by the artist Wassily Kandinsky.

Have a lovely weekend!

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Parents’ Evening

Wednesday: Parents’ Evening

Thursday: Normal Timetable

Friday: P.E

Spelling Tests/ New Spellings set