Year 1 Forest School Sessions

Year 1 Forest School sessions for the remainder of the term are:

Tuesday 25th June 2024 

Tuesday 9th July 2024 Year 1 and Reception will join together on this day for the final Forest School session of the academic year. 


Phonics Videos and ebooks

There will be no phonics videos or ebooks set this week.

We have assessed all of the children this week and have regrouped them in preparation for next half term. There will be a note in your child’s reading record to let you know what their new group is. If you would like to discuss the assessment or group that your child is in please contact myself either by email or at drop off/pick up.

Hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Mrs Edwards

Our Learning This Week

In Science, we carried out an investigation to find out how the strength of some materials can be changed. We made paper bridges using five different designs and tested them to see how many cubes they could support.

In D.T, we learnt about seasonal food and made Eton Mess.

Everyday Heroes

This half term Green class are looking at ‘Everyday Heroes’. We will be focusing on our local community and those that help us in our everyday lives.
We would love to invite you into school to talk to our children about your profession/role in our community, at a time that would be convenient, to give children the opportunity to ask questions to acquire knowledge about the various roles and responsibilities in our community and how they all help us. It doesn’t have to stop there, we would also love to welcome Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, family members if you know of anyone who would like to pay us a visit. We aim to celebrate diversity in the world of work and how all roles are equally as important.
If you would be interested in coming in to speak to us then please drop us an email or pop in and speak to a member of staff.

The Green Team