Our Learning This Week

In English, we have started to read ‘A Lion in Paris’ by Beatrice Alemagna. In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. Next week, we will be moving on to learning about telling the time. In D.T this week, we designed and made fruit kebabs. Year 2 have been given new spellings today and have maths homework set on Purple Mash.


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Parent’s Meeting- Read Write Inc and Phonics Screening Check

Thank you to those that were able to attend the meeting tonight. I hope you found it useful but please do let either myself or Miss Pinches know if you have any questions or concerns.

For those that were unable to attend, I will upload the presentation with links to the videos watched in a separate password protected post. The password will be sent out via an email bulletin.

I will also send home a copy of children’s login details to the Oxford Owl website where you will find the eBooks and corresponding quizzes.

Sarah Edwards

Yellow Class D.T

In D.T this half-term, Yellow Class will be making seaside snacks. On Thursday, we will be making roasted pepper boats. The children will cut a pepper in half and then prepare and fill with their choice of ingredients (grated cheese, tomato, ham, spring onion, sweetcorn). The pepper ‘boats’ will be roasted and eaten in school. We will be careful to avoid any ingredients that we know children are allergic to or intolerant of. If your child is unable to have any of these ingredients and school have not previously been informed, please let us know by Thursday.