
On Thursday 9th November 2023, children in Green Class and Yellow Class are invited to wear their own colourful clothes to school in celebration of the upcoming festival, Diwali. The brighter the better! Children will spend the day taking part in themed activities in celebration to extend their knowledge.

Many thanks for your ongoing support. 

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Back to school.

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

P.E for Year 2

Wednesday: New homework will be set for Year 2

Thursday: Diwali Day (A day to learn about the festival of Diwali.)

Wear own clothes-something colourful.

Friday: New spellings will be set for Year 2

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Our Trip to Wolverhampton Art Gallery- leaving just after 9.15am.

Please wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch if you have not ordered one from school. Please bring a coat.

Tuesday: P.E for all, no Forest School today.

Wednesday: Usual Timetable

Thursday: Spelling Test

P.T.A Pumpkin Patch

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Usual Timetable

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School/ Year 2 P.E

Year 2 Homework due on Purple Mash.

Parents’ Evening

Wednesday: New Year 2 homework will be set on Purple Mash.

Parents’ Evening

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Spelling Test for Year 2/ New Spellings set.

Our Learning This Week

Thank you so much for your generous donations at the Harvest Festival today. We hope that you enjoyed the service, we loved performing our song for you.

Here are a few photos from this week.

Science Investigation

Using Watercolours

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Usual Timetable

Tuesday: World Mental Health Day

P.E for all, no Forest School

Year 2 Homework due to be completed by today.

Wednesday: New Homework will be set for Year 2

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Harvest Festival in church at 9.30am.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Usual Timetable

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School

Year 2 P.E

Year 2 Purple Mash Homework due today.

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework set.

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Year 2 Spelling Test/ New Spellings set.

Year 1 Read Write Inc Online Reading Book

Every child in Year 1 is currently accessing a daily Read Write Inc phonics lesson which includes reading a book matched to their phonic ability. We read the same book numerous times to develop your child’s speed and fluency when reading. Reading the same book allows them the opportunity to read familiar words which encourages them to read words without the need for Fred Talk (saying each sound first).

The book that your child is reading in school has also been set for them on our Oxford Owl online e-book library. The login details will be the same as those used last year, however, if you need a reminder of the details please let me know.

Sarah Edwards

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: 7pm- P.T.A Meeting in School Hall

Tuesday: P.E 

Year 2 Homework due to be completed by today.

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework will be set.

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Year 2 Spelling Test/ New Spellings Set.

Macmillan Coffee Morning Yellow 10am-10.25am

Our Learning This Week

Well done Yellow Class! You have settled in well and are making good progress. I have been particularly impressed by how dedicated Year 2 have been about completing their homework and learning their spellings. Keep up the great work!

Orla Kiely Inspired Art

Animal Group Posters